New Videos on YouTube

New Videos on YouTube
Over the last week, I have uploaded two new videos to YouTube and I wanted to share about them over here.
The first video is our monthly Azure Standard grocery haul. I remember to share the total spent and what each item cost this time so don’t miss it! If you’re interested in starting to order groceries through Azure Standard please feel free to ask me any questions you have. You can visit them and sign up HERE.
Our second video happens to be something super fun that I am sharing! We recently purchased two new buildings and this is part one of where they are going to go up and what they are actually going to be! A bit of mystery here but I do share before the video is out what they are and how excited we are for them to be done!
Hopefully, they will be done soon and video two can be shared then!
Now Some Questions
What do you think? Are there any videos you can think of that you’d like us to share? What topics interest you? Are you enjoying grocery hauls or are those not your thing? Want some recipe tutorials? What recipes do you want to see shared here on my blog and YouTube?
I’m planning on a video going over what we’re doing for Christmas and stocking stuffers as far as presents go. I will also do menu planning for holidays soon!
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