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About the Book Watercolors

Strong-willed watercolor artist Amelia York thought she could paint the scenes of her own life – that is until she finds herself responsible for getting her brother, a paralyzed war veteran, home to Iowa and must deal with the moody Army captain God has painted into her life.

Captain Braedon McCrae is ruled by honor and a strong sense of duty. Still, the deaths of two people close to him have left him angry at God and vowing to never love again.

After a steamboat incident forces Amelia and Braedon to marry, Amelia must decide if she will accept Braedon’s offer of an annulment or keep the sacred vows she made before God.

The more Amelia attempts to control her future, the more she muddies the picture, like watercolors in the hand of a child. Can she learn to love, respect, and trust a man she barely knows?




About the Author of Watercolors

For as long as I can remember, I loved writing. I even dreamed in plots. I also grew up attending antique auctions nearly every weekend, so history was as much a part of my life as chores on our farm in Iowa, reading books, and playing with Barbies.

So, writing historical romances fit perfectly. Times may change, the style of clothes, the way we speak, but the common threads that unite us remain the same. Couples fall in love. Injustices
happen. We fight for what we believe in. We struggle. We endure. We grow.

After graduating from York College in York, Nebraska with an A.A. and then receiving a B.S.Ed. from Lubbock Christian University, I met and married the love of my life, David. God had
written our love story, and I knew from the moment we met that he was the one. It was not love at first sight by any means, but I was so sure he was “it” that I wrote that I’d met the man I would marry in my diary. We pledged our hearts to one another two and a half years later.

I taught high school English until my oldest child was born. After that, I began my career as a professional wiper. I wiped noses, countertops, tiny tushes, tears, and scraped knees.

Deciding that my children were now older and less in need of my constant supervision, I started pursuing my first love again –writing. After joining American Christian Fiction Writers, I found a wonderful critique group and began studying the craft of writing.

David and I have three children ages 18, 16, and 11. We also work in youth ministry and teach youth and adult Bible classes.

Thank you so much for stopping by, friend!


My Thoughts on Watercolors

Maybe I should say more about the title and the fact that the main character is an artist.  She paints.  She does watercolors.  I’m not an artist.  I do not paint.  And I definitely don’t do watercolors.  So, I didn’t relate to her in this way. 

But I loved this book. 

The reasoning behind that comes in with Captain Braedon and the fact that he and Amelia are basically forced to marry.  He wants to give her a way out via annulment. And it’s not just because he wants to be nice.  He doesn’t want to again have someone depend on him that he could possibly let down.  They both have issues and problems they need to work through. 

Should they do that together or apart? 

I’m a lover of history.  There are two particular time periods that really stand out to me and that I do a lot of time studying.  Those two are the Civil War and World War II.  This one happens to be about the Civil War and that made it all the more fun for me.  

I really enjoyed reading this book and do recommend you read it.  It is part of the Mosaic Collection which is a vast array of novels from lots of different authors on a variety of subjects so make sure to check the rest of the collection out too. 

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through JustRead Publicity Tours. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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