Word of the Year 2021

Word of the Year 2021
Do you do a word of the year? Have you been doing them for a while? I started doing one almost 7 years ago. Some years I haven’t but most I have had a word that I wanted to focus on for the year.
This year it’s not just one word but a small phrase.
All In
I want to be all in in what I’m doing. I’ve used the word present before and this is similar though different. I want to delve all in to the subjects that I am interested in. I want to dive all in when I try something new.
So with this new word of the year I want to embrace my life more. I want to lean in more. This year needs to be the year that I take the time to slow down and focus on fewer things in order to be more involved in them. In order to truly immerse myself into the day to day and not have too many things going at once.
Now you might be asking what those things might be.
Let’s chat with some bullet points!
Number one is going to definitely be my family. I want to invest myself in them more. I want this to be the year that I truly slow down and enjoy each and every stage of parenting from birth to teenage years they seem to go by way too fast and I want to make the most of them. Fun needs to have a higher priority for us this year as well. Last year in 2020 life was rough and there wasn’t much fun to be had. This year needs to be different for our family.
For number two, I am going to focus more on our garden and making sure that I can preserve and save up more vegetables. This is something we struggle with because we tend to eat all that the garden produces before we get a chance to put anything away for winter. I want this to be the year that we get a good stock of home-canned goods and also some things in the freezer from our garden.
For my third point, I want to focus on let’s chat cows. I have a dairy cow who is due to calve at the beginning of April. We’ve had her for almost two years and she’s been a good first cow. I am hoping to purchase and bring home a second dairy cow so I can start actually making more things with our milk instead of just drinking it all gone! My focus here is going to be on hard cheeses.
My last point is going to be focusing more on sharing what and how I cook. I want to do more sourdough cooking and share recipes on here like I once did before life got too complicated and I became pulled too many different directions at once. So, if you have recipes or tips you want to find out about then let me know in the comments!
And for my last point. School. I want to encourage my children more in their homeschool journey. While I will still make sure that my kids get their core subjects done I want to encourage them to delve into what they want to learn more about as well. I want my children to love learning and know-how to find out and research what they want to learn about so they can become better at it. I also hope to model how to do this with them by showing them me doing that with my baking and gardening.
Faith is my word of The year!
Erin S.
That’s a good one! We could all use that this year I think.