Online School for All Ages

Disclosure: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
Online School for All Ages
Homeschool Review Crew
Do you teach multiple ages in your homeschool? I do. And sometimes, it can be really difficult to afford everything that we need to meet the requirements. My high school daughter wants to go to college to become a veterinarian and she needs to meet certain goals each year. Meeting those goals got a lot easier with which is an online school for all ages type website. We received a free year of their Ultimate PreK-12 Annual Membership for this review.
This type of website can be very beneficial when you have a wide age range and don’t want to have to spend a lot of money on curriculum each year. My age range is almost 16 (she keeps reminding me her birthday is this month) down to a current two-year-old who likes to pretend to do school as well.
I personally prefer to do everything on paper. But as we’ve been doing homeschool here for many years now it has come to my attention that my children like to do their school online. So, we have started to switch over parts of our school. At first, it was just math on the computer. Then my older ones tried a DVD type curriculum. And now we utilize because it is amazing and gives us everything we could ask for.
Have you heard of The Old Schoolhouse? Maybe you’ve read all of my homeschool reviews and are familiar with the group I work with, the Homeschool Review Crew? Well, is tied in with both of those and is a vast resource for an online school for all ages. You can use it to supplement the curriculum you’re currently using or you can use it to make a full curriculum of your own.
With you can essentially do everything you need to homeschool in one step. You can plan your homeschool year for each student utilizing their planners that you can print or fill out online.
This great resource is a Christian based curriculum website. It is self-paced so that you can work at your own pace which means on the schedule, ahead, or even slower without it affecting anything. There are over 450+ courses that you get access to when you sign up.
And the part that I like best! It doesn’t matter how many courses you access. I can use this with one child or with all 11 of my children without being charged any additional fees. This one price and a one-time purchase for an annual membership cover everyone in your family. It’s not often that you find that these days where it includes large families.
What else do you get?
Well, I’m glad you asked! There is a parents section which helps you as the parent to navigate the site and understand exactly all that you have access to. There are sections with interactive content or sections where you can print off and use the curriculum. Within the website, there is a scope and sequence to help you navigate what your child should be doing for their age and grade.
A feature that I enjoyed playing with as I plan out our next years’ school is the by grade area. It gives you essentially a “boxed” curriculum approach. It lists what courses you should use for that grade to meet all requirements of states. I am primarily looking at this for the high school years. It is so nice to know whether we are way off course or right on where we need to be!
Some fun features that I want to make sure you know about are the video library and the world book online access. Their video library is extensive and includes such things like Drive Through History and Torchlighters. My husband and I had been discussing the other day how most places online just don’t cater to what we need for our kids and we didn’t want to have to invest in lots of different streaming services. This is perfect!
My Thoughts
I really love this resource. It’s like a one-stop-shop for curriculum shopping. Of course, there are still a few things that I am going to want to have in print handy but most of our curriculum for all of my kids is going to be on here! We have loved using some of the unit studies.
For over Christmas we did the study on St. Nicholas. It was really good and worked to reinforce what we’ve told our children about who St Nicholas was and what his impact was on Christianity.
My older children have been using this more than my younger children right now simply because they have harder coursework and it fits into their schedules better.
The schedule builder is amazing! Seriously. This thing is going to be life-changing. It makes it easy to know what they need to do to complete the course over the time period you set.
Special Sections
Other fun areas that you can check out are the special needs section. I never really understood how different kids learn differently until I started parenting and teaching children with dyslexia, PTSD, anxiety, and RAD. They are officially diagnosed also as developmentally delayed over all areas and that really affects how you can teach them and the way they learn. The tips and tricks being taught within this section are literal lifesavers for me on certain days when I’m questioning both my teaching and my parenting.
There are also learning centers and a high school section. Again, that high school section is going to be your best friend if you have children in high school who want to go on to college.
Can I make a confession? I had never used World Book before coming to this site. My children hadn’t either. And now it’s one of our favorite resources.
High School
Probably the hardest thing for me to teach is high school. Not because it’s so hard but because I want to make sure that I give my child everything they need to succeed and that they have everything in each grade that they need to help them get into the college of their choice.
That’s why the section I spent the most time using right now is the by the grade section. It’s like a boxed curriculum only it’s all online. They give you all the courses you’re going to need for that year and then you can print them off or download them for use. My older kids have laptops that they use so I can download their coursework to those. I’ve been working on doing this for them for their next years of school.
My oldest will be starting eleventh grade this summer. Our state marks school years as starting on July 1st. So here is what says that she should be doing! It’s also what we are going to be doing for her.
While you don’t have to use each of these you can. We may be switching out Art for a foreign language as we’ve done an art course already in her high school years. I love that it’s easy to customize and that I don’t have to go search for the right science and history, but rather they’re right there ready for me!
And More
We are excited to take advantage of some of the interactive content on this great online school for all ages resource. This is a section we have not used before and my kids are excited to use it! are always working to include more interactive content. I love that they have a section you can go to to see what they currently offer in this area.
Our plan is to let each of my kids choose a course to do. I have never had two children use the same interactive course before so obviously, that might be something we need to work on. I’m not sure how that would work. For now, I know that the government course will be used by one child and American history for beginners for another. Of course, I’m sure someone will want to do dinosaurs and the Bible too because I’ve got some huge dinosaur fans!
Foreign Language
Did I mention that parents can do courses if they want to too? One thing all my kids are going to be doing is a foreign language. I’m planning on using one as well. It’s an area we’ve had issues doing before because it’s so hard to learn a foreign language if you can’t hear actual speakers talking. We’ve used the French course on this site before and LOVED it! You can read our review from last year to learn more about how the French course is laid out. It’s a three-year course so we’re still in the midst of it.
For a quick wrap up. This is an amazing resource. I really don’t know how we could homeschool on a budget with eleven kids without this great online school for all ages resource that provides for us. I’m always telling friends to check it out when they need a specific course for their kids that they can’t find!
And now I’m telling you too! Check it out! See if it will work for your family. I really think it’s a great resource even if you just use it for supplemental classes on school breaks. They have courses that last semesters long, a year-long, or only a few weeks. It really does have something for everyone.
Learn More About Online School for All Ages
It is easy to learn more about and their online school for all ages by simply reading all of the reviews that are linked up on the Main blog post on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. This post will have all of the reviews in one space so you can see what crew members loved about the site and what they each utilize. can also be found on Facebook, a second Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.
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