Raising Strong Daughters

Raising Strong Daughters
Momentum Influencers
Pure Flix
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters
Here’s where I put my tiny little disclaimer that says “Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.”
I am an avid book lover and when I learned that this new movie coming out on Pure Flix was based on a book I got a little giddy. Let me introduce you to a great new show (and book if you’re a book lover like me) called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters.
My husband and I have 8 daughters and 4 sons. Raising our children to be strong in the Lord but also strong in body and spirit has been one of our goals. However, raising strong daughters in today’s culture and in the present times can be challenging. It’s a delicate balance between caring for them and letting them grow and flourish independently.
Get ready to fall in love. For real. I watched this movie on my own the first time and didn’t want it to end. It was so good. The characters are great, you fall in love with them or feel like maybe they need an attitude adjustment. But then they grow and change as the movie continues.
About the Movie
Steve loves all three of his daughters – but does he really know who they are? Discover the heartfelt journey of a dad who is desperately trying to hold onto his little girls but learns he must give up control and trust God with their future. Watch the movie inspired by Dr Meg Meeker’s best-selling book, “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters.”
Character List
- Bart Johnson, Steve
- Robyn Lively, Connie
- Bart and Robyn are husband and wife in real life
- David Barrera, Carlos
- Maria Canals-Barrera, Bella
- David and Maria are husband and wife in real life
- Brandon Prado, Oz
- Carrie Wampler, Abby
- Kayla DiVenere, Zoey
- Arden Myrin, Crystal
I love this! I love that couples get to play husband and wife on-screen as well as really being married. It makes it so genuine and real. Plus no kissing someone you’re not married to. I also had to immediately wonder if the main couple has daughters and if they were pulling from real life in their portrayal of raising strong daughters.
My Thoughts
I have to start this by saying that I am a mother to 3 teenage daughters and 3 tween daughters. I also have 3 teen sons and one 6-year-old son and two daughters younger than him. Yes, that is a total of 12. So I feel like this could possibly be part of my life on the big screen here for all to see. Although, my oldest daughter is only 17 so we’re not quite to the point that they are with Abby in the movie.
Watching our children grow up is hard. We want to protect them and make decisions for them as well as guide them in how they should go. The problem is that how they should go might look different for us versus them. We have to work hard to make sure that we are supporting and helping them instead of trying to run their lives. But also. . . that’s my baby!!
I think this movie did a wonderful job of showing that delicate balance and how fathers can step up and play a large role in their children’s lives.
This movie made me laugh. It made me want to cry. And it made me take a good hard look and examine my relationships with my children. It also made me go buy three of Meg Meeker’s books. Trust me when I say this is one movie you won’t regret watching.
Want to See it?
Have a short watch of the trailer below to see if this is something you’d like to watch! I personally think you need to go to your Pure Flix account now and watch this one! If you don’t have an account enter the giveaway below for 3 free months or simply sign up for one by going HERE!!
Giveaway: 3-month subscription to Pure Flix!!
Unfortunately at this time, this is limited to those within the US only.
Ready to enter!!
Simply leave me a comment with the best parenting advice you have ever received. That’s it!! I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got to say!
Karrie Semenza
The best advice I ever received, was to just let them be little. Don’t rush the school stuff, they’ll learn it when they are ready.
And once I started listening to that advice, I quickly realized it was the best piece of advice! 😉
Erin S.
Yes! They’ll learn at their own speed whether we push or are relaxed. That’s great advice.
The best parenting advice I’ve received is to not judge my children’s success based on standards set up by others. I’ve learned to listen more and take time with them if they’re struggling emotionally, educationally, etc.
Erin S.
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