A Gateway to Hope

A Gateway to Hope



A Gateway to Hope

JustRead Publicity Tours


A Gateway to Hope


About the Book A Gateway to Hope

Twenty-one-year-old Neka is a bit of an introvert, she also happens to be stunningly beautiful.

When she discovers her friend James is about to be dumped, she sees the perfect opportunity to escape from her quiet life. Can she summon the courage to leave it all behind?

James Copley comes from a ruthless family. It’s rubbed off.

Years ago, he disengaged from his brother’s smear campaign, but now his father has offered him an ultimatum, “Get married or lose your seat at the table.”

Plotting to stamp his design on the family business, he proposes to a woman, even though he doesn’t love her.

But his carefully laid plans start to unravel when she leaves him on the day she’s due to meet his family.

Could years of planning his comeback vanish with her departure?

A possible solution comes in an unexpected form: Neka. She’s not only a friend, but the daughter of his benefactor. And she’s right there, offering to support him.

But will her support stretch to marriage?

He attempts to win her over to his plan but collides with her powerful father who wants to leverage the situation for his own gain.

In their fight for survival and love, they are forced to face some uncomfortable truths.

Can they overcome thwarted dreams and missed chances to find true love, or does forcing destiny’s hand only lead to misery?


My Thoughts on A Gateway to Hope

A Gateway to Hope is a wonderful novel! I do confess it has taken me longer to read this one than most of the other books I’ve read lately. Mainly because there are a lot of nuggets that I’m tucking away and then reexamining when the time comes.

James is self-absorbed. He was dealt with what he believes to be a bad hand and he’s set out to make it work out to the best for him. I don’t see that he really cared about what anyone else felt or experienced as a result. That is until Neka comes into his life. Nikhol is a wonderful Christian girl that he befriended and sought out her company.

But Neka is nine years his junior and not someone most people could see him settling down with. But maybe she’s just what he needs?

They have a friendship to base everything off of, but is it enough to spend the rest of their life together? Can they convince their families that they really are getting married?

Neka has a very close relationship with her sisters and parents.

When she leaves without telling them and then springs being engaged on top of that things start to happen and fast. Before the sun sets on many days the family has all arrived and major company buyouts and changes are taking place.

I’m not in the business world but I see this as a huge power play. Eventually, someone is going to miscalculate something and things won’t go as planned. But who will suffer in the end? And will things all work out for good?

Great read. I recommend this book and am now going to check out more by this author.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from JustRead Publicity Tours. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations. 

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