New Leash on Life

New Leash on Life

New Leash on Life


About the Book New Leash on Life


New Leash on Life


Book: New Leash on Life

Author: Kathleen Y’Barbo

Genre: Christian Fiction / Cozy Mystery

Release Date: October, 2023

How Is a Missing Military Working Dog Related to Two Local Fires?

Snuggle with your trusty hound and settle into a small-town mystery in book 6 of the Gone to the Dogs series.

Air Force veteran Dr. Lane Bishop and Nora Hernandez’s romance has cooled. He is busy working as a researcher at the vet school, and she’s busy with her restaurant and opening an antique shop. What Lane hasn’t told her is his PTSD, which manifests mostly with nightmares, makes him believe he’s damaged goods. But that is about to change when he meets a stray pup that acts a lot like a military working dog.

When a tornado hits Brenham, there is damage in the downtown area and a fire is ignited in Nora’s new store. A Belgian Malinois dog is seen at the fire and later Lane sees him at a wedding venue where an explosion occurs. Not long after, a second explosion rocks Brenham and sends Nora and Lane on a hunt for the person responsible. Will the pair find the guilty party before more damage is done to the city’s landmarks? And will Lane find the words to tell Nora how much he loves her before it’s too late?


Click here to get your copy!


My Thoughts on New Leash on Life

New Leash on Life is a fun and heartwarming story as well as part of a wonderful series that you are not going to want to miss. I’ve had the pleasure of reading all the books in the series.  And they’re all equally amazing!  I’m an animal lover.  And because of that I really have enjoyed this series.  Each one features at least one exemplary animal.

In this book, our featured animal is a dog.  And not just any dog but a military working dog who has retired.  He’s a Belgian Malinois.  I didn’t know much about this breed until last year around this time when we adopted one.  He’s an ex-working dog too.  Though he was a service dog.  He was a PTSD service dog for a former military man.  Our guy is a Belgian Malinois/German Shepherd mix.  We’re well-versed in German Shepherds here.  But adding in this mix has been unique. 

I can attest that they’re extremely motivated.  He’s high energy.  He’s got an extreme drive and needs to be doing something.  Our guy is named Rudy and we’re immensely enjoying him.

The dog in the book is Pal.  And I see a lot of similarities between him and our dog Rudy.  It makes sense once I learned that the author has had experience with friends adopting an ex-working dog.  They know!  Please know that almost everything dog-related in the book is true!  They’re super smart, energetic, motivated, and oh-so-loving.  

And there’s more!

The book doesn’t solely focus on the dog.  There are two main human characters as well.  However, the dog totally stole the show for me.  

While the book is a cosy mystery, it definitely has its own share of mystery and suspense that will make you want to keep reading and not miss a word!

I highly recommend this book.  In fact, I highly recommend the entire series.  They’re clean and fun with enough mystery and suspense to keep you going but not enough to make you hide away.  Oh, and there’s some fun romance as well. 

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.



About the Author of New Leash on Life


New Leash on Life


Kathleen Y’Barbo is a multiple Carol Award and RITA nominee and bestselling author of more than one hundred books with over two million copies of her books in print in the US and abroad. A tenth-generation Texan and certified paralegal, she is a member of the Texas Bar Association Paralegal Division, Texas A&M Association of Former Students and the Texas A&M Women Former Students (Aggie Women), Texas Historical Society, Novelists Inc., and American Christian Fiction Writers. She would also be a member of the Daughters of the American Republic, Daughters of the Republic of Texas and a few others if she would just remember to fill out the paperwork that Great Aunt Mary Beth has sent her more than once.

When she’s not spinning modern-day tales about her wacky Southern relatives, Kathleen inserts an ancestor or two into her historical and mystery novels as well. Recent book releases include the bestselling The Pirate Bride set in 1700s New Orleans and Galveston, and its sequel The Alamo Bride set in 1836 Texas, which features a few well-placed folks from history and a family tale of adventure on the high seas and on the coast of Texas. She also writes (mostly) relative-free cozy mystery novels for Guideposts Books.

Kathleen and her hero-in-combat boots husband have their own surprise love story that unfolded on social media a few years back. They make their home just north of Houston, Texas and are the parents and in-laws of a blended family of Texans, Okies, and one very adorable Londoner.


More for Kathleen

You’ve most likely seen military working dogs (MWDs) on television shows or in the news. Maybe you’ve seen police dogs in action or read about them. They’re often fierce-looking and always well-trained and intelligent. Along with their handler, the MWD is a brave and not-so-secret weapon in the military and law enforcement world. And did you know that an MWD always outranks his or her handler? It’s true.

I was very aware of all of this, but I had no idea what happened to these dogs when they were too old or perhaps physically unable to continue in their roles. People retire from their careers, so it makes sense that MWDs would as well.

I first learned about retired MWDs from watching my friend Ronie welcome a gorgeous Belgian Malinois, Vvolt, to her family. Anyone who knew the family or came to know Vvolt through social media fell in love with that dog. With his ears cocked just so and his bigger-than-life personality, I knew I had to write about him someday.

When I was given the opportunity to co-write a cozy mystery series with my dear friend, Janice Thompson, I knew one of those books would have to include an MWD. Because MWDs are used in so many situations, from military police work to bomb-sniffing to PTSD care and more—I had to narrow down the choice of what my dog would be doing. I won’t give anything away, but I can tell you that Pal, the fictional Belgian Malinois in NEW LEASH ON LIFE is very good at what he does.

He also loves a good Whataburger when his regular kibble isn’t available, but I digress.

When I set out to create the personality for Pal, I looked to what I knew and loved about Vvolt. Big personality, toothy grin, and the ability to run and jump like a champ were all included in my dog’s version of the MWD. And like Vvolt, my MWD develops a strong bond with his handler and the family who welcomes him into their home. Pal is loyal, friendly, and apt to stand between his people and danger at the slightest provocation.

Pal’s person in NEW LEASH ON LIFE is Dr. Lane Bishop, a Texas A&M University research veterinarian and Air Force veteran. Lane deals with nightmares that came out of his military experiences. As you can imagine, this causes an issue or two with Nora Hernandez, the woman Lane adores but has not shared his worries with.

Then along comes Pal, a stray (or is he?) with a habit of disappearing and then turning up at the most unlikely places just when he’s needed.

I won’t give away the story, but let’s just say that sometimes it takes an animal to show the humans what needs to be done.

Perhaps all this talk about MWDs has you curious about them.

Maybe you’re someone who would love to explore the opportunity to give a retired MWD a second chance. Check the Airforce 37th Training Wing’s website for details on how this can be done: .

NEW LEASH ON LIFE is the story of new starts and second chances, of how God doesn’t just use humans to achieve His purposes. For this and so many other reasons, the tale of Lane, Nora, and Pal is dedicated to the memory of Vvolt and his people.

Well done good and faithful servant.


Blog Stops for New Leash on Life

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 26

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 26

Wishful Endings, October 27

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 27

Texas Book-aholic, October 28

Karen Baney Reviews, October 28

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 29

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, October 30

Boodock Ramblings, October 30

Lighthouse-Academy, October 31

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 31

Blogging With Carol, November 1

For Him and My Family, November 1

Holly’s Book Corner, November 2

Mary Hake, November 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 3

Splashes of Joy, November 4

Pause for Tales, November 4

Tell Tale Book Reviews, November 5

Bigreadersite, November 6

Cover Lover Book Review, November 6

Labor Not in Vain, November 7

Life on Chickadee Lane, November 7

Lily’s Book Reviews, November 8


Giveaway for New Leash on Life


New Leash on Life


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon e-gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.

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  1. kim hansen

    Sounds good.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog post today and leave a comment.

  2. Debra Pruss

    Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog post today and leave a comment.

  3. Bea LaRocca

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on New Leash on Life, this sounds like a wonderful cozy mystery read and I am adding it to my TBR pile

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog post today and leave a comment.

  4. Roxanne C.

    A cozy mystery that includes a dog, suspense and romance means a good time reading.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog post today and leave a comment.

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