Learn Piano at Your Own Pace {TOS Crew Review}

Have you ever wanted to learn to play the piano? Wanted your kids to learn to play but can’t afford weekly lessons? Well, I have some great news for you! You can learn piano at your own pace with Easy Piano Basics through JazzEdge. Our household has received a lifetime membership as part of a TOS Crew Review! I can’t wait to share all about it with you!
Some simple things about Easy Piano Basics. It’s recommended you or your child be age 7 or older to do this on their own. If younger than 7 there should be an adult sitting with the child to help them. This is fully customized by you and done at your own pace.
Just as a little background, JazzEdge was started by Willie Myette to bring together all that he could offer families. Through this he offers drum lessons and several different piano lessons as well as much more. Previously we have reviewed Homeschool Piano which is also offered through JazzEdge and Willie Myette.

The above photo shows you all the devices you can access your Easy Piano Basics on. It shows PianoWithWillie, but they’re accessed the same. Lots of great ways to access and use your course. There are some downloads or printable that you can use with this.
Any age can use this program. Obviously, the younger ages are going to need more parent involvement to help them with their lessons and learning, but they still can learn and do so at their own pace. This is even a great program for adults who would like to learn piano but have never had the chance.
Let’s talk a little about what to expect when you log in. Logging in is super easy. Just a username and password and you’re in. You’re taken immediately to the student dashboard where the lessons in video format are available. They start at the top of the page and go down. If you’re not sure where to begin it’s lucky for you because they’re numbered so you know what order to do them in. On the right hand side of the page are the downloads that you can print. These are the sheet music as well as the non video lessons.
When I say that this is a super simple way to Learn Piano at Your Own Pace, I mean it! The first lesson teaches you the notes of the piano. From there you move low and high notes, musical alphabet, and finger positions. It takes it all nice and slow so that you’re not getting overwhelmed or confused. And you can redo any of the lessons as many times as you need to.
There are a total of 32 lessons right now. Each lesson is around 10-11 minutes long. These work with a piano or any type of keyboard you might have. You can easily do one lesson a week or more. For the first few lessons, they are very easy and you go through them quickly so we did two to three of those in one week and then I backed the kids off to only doing one lesson a week but doing around 15 minutes of practice everyday to help keep what they have learned fresh in their minds. Practicing is so very important!
We’ve been using this with all of our kiddos Even the just turned two-year old has demanded her own lesson time(though she’s definitely not a child prodigy). My older children I can easily tell them to go do their piano lesson and keep working on other things with the rest of the kids. It’s simple enough they can handle it on their own and come to get me if they have a problem. My younger children I need to sit with them on the bench as we watch the lesson and figure things out.

If you have special needs learners this is a great program because it doesn’t have a fast pace and they can stay on one lesson until they master it. We have a couple of children who definitely have troubles with school and some developmental delays. This has worked better for them than some of the other programs we have used to try to teach them piano.
I am a firm believer that any child who wants to learn an instrument should learn the piano first. We started searching for a piano instructor for our kids the minute we moved here. Sadly, we were never able to find anyone who would work for us. This program works for us. Plus after doing some math it is definitely a savings when you have 9 children that you are going to want to have piano lessons!
I took lessons and learned piano quite well when I was a child into my teenage years, but as I am tone-deaf did not think that I could teach my children correctly. Plus with already doing all of their school myself it seemed like a huge task to undertake. I am so glad for our lifetime membership to Easy Piano Basics and know we’re going to be using it a lot. It is a super simple and wonderful way to get music into our homeschool.
Make sure you head on over to the TOS Review Crew main page to see all the other reviews! Reviewers got to choose between DrumsWithWillie, PianoWithWillie, and Easy Piano Basics!
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