Narnia Studies {Homeschool Review Crew}

Narnia Studies
Homeschool Review Crew
As part of school year we are reading(again) all of The Chronicles of Narnia. We’ve read them several times as a family but this year I want us to do more in-depth Narnia studies of the books. Our first study is thanks to Progeny Press and their The Silver Chair E-Guide which we are reviewing through the Homeschool Review Crew.
About The Curriculum
This is an E-Guide so it is downloadable. You can use it as an interactive study or print it off and use that way. We like to print them off just because we don’t do a lot of school on the computer in our homeschool. When you have ten kids and limited computers it’s just easier. Plus I’m a bit anti-technology in the homeschool. I like for us to experience things and pen and paper seem to allow that to happen more.
For our study, The Silver Chair, students should be in grades 5-7 for the best understanding. I had two students working through this. I classify both at a sixth grade level for reading and comprehension so this is a good fit for them. My students directly next in line are working at more of a fourth grade level and I definitely do not think this would have worked for them. This is one study that I did not try to tweak to make it work for all my children. Did we read the books together? Yes. Did all my children have discussions and talk about the concepts in the book and what was going on? Yes. But the in-depth study would have been way above most of the others heads.
This study guide is relatively new to their line up and is 61 pages long. It currently retails on their site for $18.99. I found it to work with both our newer copies and our older copies of The Silver Chair. They are both full versions though and not abridged.

How We Used
I printed off two copies of this our first in a series of Narnia studies and put each in a three ring binder. I will add the other studies to the binder as well so all the studies for all the books in the series are contained together. And because I have OCD tendencies I do feel that I will place them in order, whether if that is order in which they were written or chronological I haven’t decided yet.
My kids have read these books on their own and have had them read to them. Being very familiar with the written words of this book allows us to move quickly through the study. I’m really challenging them to dig deeper though. Dig into the meaning behind the words. That’s our primary focus. What is the meaning? Is there something being conveyed here that we haven’t seen? Where are the Biblical parallels? I’m really enjoying helping my kids work through this.
Our Thoughts
We loved it! Our little homeschool has used Progeny Press studies in the past and adored them so I knew that we would like this one as well. Because it pertained to one of our favorite books it made it that much more enjoyable. My kids couldn’t wait until daddy got home so they could tell him new things they learned about this book that we are reading again in school. Or to quiz him to see if he’d ever made this or that connection. I love watching them learn and be excited about what they’re learning.
We love this book and have read it multiple times before which means we’re working through this study at a faster pace. You can choose to go slower if wanted/needed or take it at a fast pace like us.
Learn More
Interested in learning more about Progeny Press and all their literature studies? I’m pleased to say that they have other Narnia studies as well. Some previous reviews we share on the blog include The Sword in The Tree, Sarah Plain and Tall, The Courage of Sarah Noble and The Little House in the Big Woods. Classify us as BIG fans of this company!!
While you’re checking them out head over to the main Homeschool Review Blog post to read all the reviews. You can also find Progeny Press on facebook, twitter, pinterest, YouTube, and instagram. There were a total of four literature study guides being reviewed by the Crew this round. Make sure to check out the other titles as well over on the blog.
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