Homeschool Help Through IXL

Homeschool Help Through IXL
Homeschool Review Crew
Recently through the Homeschool Review Crew we had the privilege to review IXL. Three of our children have access to an annual membership (year subscription) to IXL Learning. We are loving our homeschool help through IXL Learning and can’t wait to share why with you below! A Spanish option/version is also available.
About the Program
IXL Learning is an online immersive portal for grades pre-k through 12th grade. Each child can have their own set of lessons to work on through the diagnostic program. Subjects covered are math, science, social studies, language arts, and Spanish. Social Studies and Science are only available for grades 2-8 while the others subjects are available for all levels. Higher level math are also covered with Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre Calculus, and Calculus.
A fun part of the program is that kids can earn rewards or fun incentives for the more questions answered, time spent on the subject, proficiency, etc. My kids are really enjoying seeing what they win for getting things done.
The main areas we have focused on are math and language arts. After they complete a few sections of each of those I gave them free rein to work through science and social studies. Spanish could be worked on after the others were done.
This program is so fun! My kids love it. The kids who didn’t get access from this review keep asking me when I’m going to buy the program so they can have a go at it!
Who Used It?
We received access for three students into the program. The three participating include a 14 year old in 7-8th grade, a 12 year old in 6-7th, and an 8 year old in 4-5th grade. I had each child do the diagnostics for language arts and math and then start in their grade for science and social studies with an option to do previous grades as well. Each child also has been doing some Spanish for fun.
The above photo shows what the kids see when working through a lesson. It shows how long they’ve been at it, how many questions they’ve answered, and what percentage they’re currently getting within that lesson.
Though I only have three kids using the program they often had a sibling by their side watching because they wanted to see what fun prizes they’d get! This would be a great program to get multiple students in as the cost to add one student is not very expensive versus having to get a full membership per child. I looked it up and was pleasantly surprised.
My kids love this program. They beg to use the computer to do it and I have to make them take breaks or they’d work on it for hours at a time. I’ve even had kids try to work on it on Sunday or Saturday during our non school days. At this point I feel bad redirecting them but hey they’ve got to get their chores done at some point too!
What We Thought
Part of why we love homeschool help through IXL is the diagnostic. After your child takes the diagnostic they are given a list of skills that they need to work on to master the grade they’re being placed in. So you could have your child work through the skills they’re lacking and then move them on to work through the next entire grade. They can also retake the diagnostic later as well which helps you re-evaluate if a change is needed.
IXL isn’t a full curriculum in my opinion as it doesn’t actually have lessons where it teaches a concept and then asks questions. This is strictly questions being asked that your child answers. Described as immersive it takes your child into the subject and sees what they know and adapts from there. They either know the information and get it correct or don’t know and get it incorrect. Incorrectly answered questions do give them the correct answer and they can redo question sets.
When a child has mastered one of the skill sets they get an icon at the end to tell them it’s done. It’s a small award or medal icon as a way of saying congrats good job! My kids have just been working through grade levels. Though I did make some of them work through some diagnostic skills that were below grade level as well.
Parent Features
I really appreciated all the parent features that this program offers. When I log in I can see what children have been on, how much time they’ve been on, what skills they’ve mastered, and how many questions they’ve answered. Also available is a breakdown of what their scores have been which I can also see in more detail. Practice by category also shows up to tell me what subjects and what skills they’ve been working on in which grades.
At the top of the Analytics tab in my parent mode I have six tabs that I can click on to look at my students progress. These are usage, diagnostic, trouble spots, scores, questions, and progress. I really like all the detail that is involved so I can see where my child is struggling and what I need to assign them to work on.
Learn More
Learn more about how others have homeschool help through IXL by reading all the great review blog posts. All are linked up on the Homeschool Review Crew main post. The IXL program covers a wide range from Pre-K through 12th grade. So you’re sure to hide a vast difference in levels used and thoughts. You can also find IXL Learning on facebook, twitter, pinterest, and youtube.
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