High School Science

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
High School Science
Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science
Homeschool Review Crew
Do you have a child in high school? Are you looking for a high school science course that will let them work at their own pace? Check out Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science courses. We received Biochemistry/Microbiology from the Self-Paced 7th-12th Grade Half-Semester Classes.
We received the course for a year’s time. It can be used by more than one student. In order to use the high school science courses, you have to set up a Canvas account. This was new to me. Prior to reviewing Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science courses, we had never had a Canvas account before.
About the Program
Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science courses offer a variety of science courses. Whether you’re looking for your third grader or your high school senior, you’re bound to find a course that will fit your needs.
For this review, I was particularly interested in their high school science courses for my junior. It’s just hard to wrap my mind around having a sixteen-year-old junior in high school!
We chose Biochemistry/Microbiology to do. This is a self-paced course for grades 7th-12th. It is a six-lesson half-semester class. So you will need to add to the course or take two courses to get a semester credit for your transcript.
There are seven prerecorded class sessions or lessons. They each are approximately 20-30 minutes long and can be done at your own pace. Whether you do one lesson per week or how you use the course is entirely up to you.
Each course has a downloadable study guide. I highly recommend you use this. It gives you spots to take notes and work on the course. It can easily be hole punched and stuck in a three-ring binder. The colored pages give extra information as well. I have to say I was impressed with the extra pages. As a nurse, I’m fairly familiar with the content of this course and really enjoyed watching over my children’s shoulders.
Our Thoughts
I love how the course is set up. It is easy to use and you can get in and out of it easily. I especially like that more than one student can be using the course at the same time because it does not involve you having to complete one section before moving to the next so each child can work at their own pace.
The Bible is involved in lessons! This is huge for us. I love seeing how the instructor brings God and His creation into the lessons. Especially in most secular schools, you’re not going to get this and that makes me even more glad to homeschool knowing that I can share the Bible and our views with my children while they are still in my home. This gives them a firm foundation for when they go off to college.
My daughter doing the course or the primary one doing the course is 16 years old and a junior in high school. This counts as half a semester for science for her transcript. She wants to be a vet so we are trying to get as much science into her high school as we can. I love the self-paced for her because we never know when we might have a farm emergency that she wants to be involved in. So she’s not tied down to a certain time each day and can have that flexibility to shadow the vet when he comes.
I love the above image. It shows how to do the sketching and notes used in science. This is something I always struggled with because I’m not an artist. But as Greg Landry says, you don’t need to be an artist. You just need to know what you’re drawing and be able to remember later on. I love it!
I’m looking forward to watching my other children walk through this course. I did choose to have just one child use it at a time. That way I could help whenever needed and not be confused with where they are all at. This is basically a six to the seven-week course. Our main way of working through it is one chapter or one lesson per week. We normally watch the video that is for each session twice during the week.
In total, I plan to use this course with five or six children during the full year period we have access to the course. Because it is only half a semester credit we are chatting about which other course we would like to purchase to go with this to get a full semester credit. Right now I’m leaning towards Embryology/Endocrinology. That would be a wonderful course to work through with older students who might be having hormone changes to show them where and how the hormones work etc.
Learn More
You can learn more about this and other High School Science courses as well as courses for middle school as well please check out all of the reviews linked up on the Main Blog Post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science does not have a social media presence so please either visit their website or the reviews for more information about them.
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