Rosie’s Doll Clothes Patterns Review -TOS Crew #hsreviews

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I have always loved to sew.  At the age of 5 I was given my first needle and thread for doing simple seam sewing.  Of course, those stitches were huge and didn’t hold together well at all, but I was started on a lifelong love.  By the age of 8 I was sewing my first 9 patch and embroidering my name, date, and location on it.  This is a love that I want to pass on to my girls.  My oldest 2 are 8 now and I realized I had not started them sewing!  That is horrible.  I was thrilled to be chosen to review Rosie’s Doll Clothes Patterns with my children for the TOS Crew review team.  We received Learn How to Make Doll Clothes Video Course with 8 Free Doll Clothes Patterns to review online.  It is recommended for ages 8 and up though I think some more advanced younger ages would do fine and also you might want to raise the limit on some more challenged children as well.  I have one 8 year old who is more advanced than the other 8 year old and the one struggled while the other did well.

Rosie’s Doll Clothes Patterns is an online program where you can purchase for $47.23 USD(the program is produced in Australia so this price may change day to day but today this is the correct pricing) online.  It gives you all the instructions you need to make these patterns as well as many helpful hints and tips to help make your daughter’s first sewing experience the easiest and best possible.  There are over 130 video tutorials(over 8 hours of help).  We received the online version to review, but according to the website there is also an option to purchase dvd’s of the program as well.  You will get tips on how to choose the correct fabric, thread, how to place the pattern on the fabric, cut it out, pin it, and sew it.  As well as much more!

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The course we’re using has 8 free patterns(however at this time a 9th pattern has been added available until December 24th, 2013 midnight).  The 9th pattern is of your choosing.  So instead of 8 patterns for $47.23 you are getting 9!

The 8 patterns we had access to for this review were:
sport shorts
crop top
halter top
summer nightie

I have to say these patterns created quite the conversations between my daughters and I.  You see, we’re rather conservative in dress at our house.  We don’t wear halter tops or crop tops or spaghetti straps etc.  We believe in modest dress for our girls and I try to model that belief to them.  So of course they had questions about these outfits.  We made them though.  And I told my girls that if they wanted their dolls to wear them that they could.  My girls are big into dolls and matching clothes(my oldest has the American Girl catalog almost memorized with what she would like to have) and so they did ask me if they could make clothes for their dolls that look like what they wear so we’re going to have to purchase some patterns I think.  Very proud of my little girls and if you look around the site there are several other patterns that follow a more modest dress code.

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If you browse Rosie’s Doll Clothes Patterns site you will find that she also sells doll clothes patterns individually.  The patterns are available for 18 inch dolls(think American Girl) or Cabbage Patch dolls so your daughter has a choice of which one she wants to outfit!  My girls have looked around and would love to get some of the other patterns.  They are available in PDF so that they are easily printed and used.  You know it’s a good program when your 8 year old daughter is begging for a new doll clothes pattern for Christmas so she can sew new clothes for her doll!  She also wants a chance at using my new sewing machine. . . . did I mention I think learning to hand sew is a great asset!  One pattern(today’s cost) is $5.63 which gives you access to the PDF of the pattern, instructions, and video guides.

Make sure to check out the other Crew Reviews by going to the main Crew blog and checking out the post for this vendor.  As we all are different people with different children you’ll find each post a unique take on Rosie’s Doll Clothes!

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