5 Days of Record Keeping for the Busy Homeschool Mom -Day 2

Today in our 5 Days of Record Keeping for the Busy Homeschool Mom I want to talk about attendance. Attendance of course is something that is easy to take. You can do several things for this.

You can get a calendar and just put a checkmark on everyday that your child does school. You can essentially do this by keeping student lesson plans as well. You can actually use a program and put into it everyday that your child does school.
Or you can get creative!
For this coming year I’m planning on getting creative. I recently learned that pictures can be used as a record keeping method. I have decided to do a year in pictures for our school. I am simply going to snap a photo each day of my kiddo in school.
I am going to get myself a scrapbook and each page will be a day in the life of the Slocum Homeschool! Each page will have pictures each child that attended that day. Some days my preschoolers may be there and some days they may not. It just depends on whether it’s a day for them or not!
Now keep in mind that for school you can be at the zoo on a field trip or at the table doing your lessons. Either way, it’s school and it counts.
See! That first aspect of record keeping isn’t that bad and it actually was pretty simple!
So, either get a calendar and have your child put an x or a check mark on everyday they do school, have them put x’s or checkmarks on the completed assignments on their lesson plans, or do a year in pictures with me!
Check out these other blogs in their series!
Dawn @ Guiding Light Homeschool ~ Homeschooling with Excessive Energy
Lexi @ Lextin Academy ~ The Homeschool Dad, CEO
Lynn @ Ladybug Chronicles ~ Organizing Your Home and School
Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm ~ Homeschooling Thankfulness
Melissa @ Mom’s Plans ~ Historical Field Trips
Karen @ Tots and Me ~ Making Geography Fun
Adena @ AdenaF ~ Mnemonics
Amy @ Homeschool Encouragement ~ Lego Learning
Erin @ For Him and My Family ~ Record Keeping
Dawn @ Guiding Light
I am very thankful that we don’t have to keep any records for homeschooling where we live. But if we did I love the scrapbook idea!
Erin S.
Where do you live? I wish we didn’t have to, but at least we don’t have to do mandatory evaluations here or be under a charter school.
I love the scrapbook idea! I’m not sure I’m that creative. Next year I plan to buy a cheap calendar and use the check mark method!
Erin S.
I definitely am not creative, but if nothing else I can snap a picture and tape it into a book!
Michelle F.
Those are some great tips. I am going to start homeschooling my daughter for pre-preschool soon 🙂
Erin S.
It really is fun. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.