5 Days of Record Keeping for the Busy Homeschool Mom -Day 3

Okay, so in our 5 Days of Record Keeping for the Busy Homeschool Mom we’ve talked about making sure you know what your State requirements are and some tips about how to keep your attendance records. Today I want to talk a bit about lesson planning.
When I first started out homeschooling not so many years ago, I started with Sonlight so that I would have a plan to work off of. I was new, had no clue what I was doing and didn’t have a lot of help in getting started. My mother-in-law had homeschooled my husband so I had a bit of information, but no one that had really dealt with the number of children I was homeschooling. I had 4 kids with 2 in kindergarten and 2 in preschool plus two other kiddos who were too young yet.
I was a bit overwhelmed. I was in over my head. I needed some structure to help me. The Sonlight curriculum came with a plan. It had a day by day, week by week, subject by subject, approach. I could read the whole week on Sunday or Saturday and know what I was doing all week. I could check off what I had done as I did it. All I had to do was add in what pages in their workbooks they did each day.
This was such a blessing for me. I didn’t have to worry about it that much. It was just easier for me. Now that I have 9 kids and all but the youngest is doing some school I somewhat know what I’m doing and have decided to branch out more into different curriculum and building my own plans.
I am developing my own way of keeping records, but for the rest of this year I am keeping it simple.
Right now I am printing off a copy of my Sonlight plans for each week. To this I add a paper that includes the workbooks that we use for spelling, language arts, math, and handwriting. I also have a page that is a weekly compilation of my hours so that each week I put down how many of hours of each subject we did that week. So say for math I list 5 and for history I list 5, etc. Each week is listed on there from 1-52. If we have a break week then I just put no school on there. Love writing no school!!! I also have a second page that I keep my extracurricular hours on. Extracurricular hours are the ones that we do outside of the classroom for me. It includes field trips, homeschool group days, home ec kitchen days, etc. There are all kind of things that you can use for those! More of that to come.
Okay back to record keeping! In my state I must keep records of what we plan to do, what we do do(as in a complete lesson plan), records of the kids school work, and show progress- either through tests or some other form of progression.
Today of course our main thing is the lesson planning. I’ve told you how I do the Sonlight with our workbooks.
For next year I am creating a template so I can list their weekly assignments and they can cross them off as they complete them. I will be blogging that when I finish it and making it a printable so that you all can use it too!
Make sure to visit the other blogs in our hop and find out what their 5 days are all about!
Dawn @ Guiding Light Homeschool ~ Homeschooling with Excessive Energy
Lexi @ Lextin Academy ~ The Homeschool Dad, CEO
Lynn @ Ladybug Chronicles ~ Organizing Your Home and School
Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm ~ Homeschooling Thankfulness
Melissa @ Mom’s Plans ~ Historical Field Trips
Karen @ Tots and Me ~ Making Geography Fun
Adena @ AdenaF ~ Mnemonics
Amy @ Homeschool Encouragement ~ Lego Learning
Erin @ For Him and My Family ~ Record Keeping
Joie Betterly
I give you so much credit. I don’t think I could homeschool, stick to it, and keep my sanity. That said? I’ve thought about it because my son gets picked on in school and I worry that one day he’s going to get physically hurt.
Erin S.
Oh I hope your son is okay and doesn’t get hurt. I love homeschooling, but it definitely is not for everyone.
Homeschooling isn’t for me, but it sounds like you’ve found a fantastic system to make it work for you and yours. Congrats!
Erin S.
I’m still trying to get into the groove for our family. I think it’s majorly a trial and error.
Wow, I didn’t realize there were such state requirements for home schooling. I’m glad there’s resources out there for help though.
Erin S.
Yes, it’s amazing how the states differ. Alaska for instance has NO requirements at all.
Suzi Satterfield
This sounds like an amazing system. 🙂 I’d considered homeschooling. I can do the academics, no problem. But I’m pretty sure my kids wouldn’t get enough socialization; I’m far too anti-social to do co-ops and regular play date type things where they’ll get to know other kids.
Erin S.
I’m naturally reclusive too, but I try to make sure we get together with other families and homeschool coop. Also church as well.
I’m hoping to type up a weekly plan next year for my oldest so she can have a checklist of what we’re doing for the week. Then I’ll save those as my lesson plans. This year I haven’t done much planning……we just do the next thing in our curriculum. We’ve been productive though! And I haven’t had the stress of trying to plan everything out. I’m hoping to be more proactive next year!
Erin S.
Same here! I really want to be more organized next year.
myrah - Coupon Mamacita
That is so cool of doing a blog hop especially of this great topic!
Jenn W
Recording keeping is my nemesis!! It is my least favorite part of being a homeschooling parent. But I try to keep it simple- we have used every electronic program available, but have never stuck with one. Right now I am using a spiral notebook- one page for each day and it’s working well for us. 🙂
Erin S.
I am definitely a more pen and paper type gal and don’t think I’d get the electronical to work for me.
I’m trying to be more intentional writing writing things out that I need to get done but I end up drowning in lists!
Erin S.
Yes I write down long lists and tend to only get half of them done.
I love the idea of homeschooling, but it sounds like I’d have to do just as much paperwork as I did when I was a classroom teacher!
Erin S.
The amount of paperwork depends on which state you live in. Alaska for instance has NO rules at all!
Isn’t it wonderful to find the perfect fit for record keeping for your family. It’s a great feeling to get organized..
Erin S.
I really need to get myself organized in my home and in my school so I’m trying to get one first then the other.
Debbie Denny
This sounds like a great system. I am impressed with your stamina.
Erin S.
Thanks! I’m still working on perfecting my record keeping.
Denise Gabbard
I cannot imagine doing all that you do— I am exhausted simply reading about your days most of the time. I hope that your family realizes how blessed they are to have you.
Erin S.
I like to think I am blessed to have them. Somedays I feel overwhelmed but then I remember that they will soon be gone.
Mary W
Homeschooling seems like a lot of work, but I’m sure it pays off in the end.
Erin S.
For us it definitely does!