Why I love our First Grade Reading Program #hsreviews

Foundations, Level B has 48 lessons that cover learning to read and write the uppercase letters(taught lower in the A book). Of these 48 lessons you have 40 that are actual instruction and 8 that are reviews/assessments. Your child will also be reading some simple sentences by the end of the book. It’s designed for those who have already learned all the letter sounds in the previous book. They build on each other. I love that they are independently able to spell over 120 words by the time they are done with this program as well.

Level B is geared for ages 4-7. In fact, the whole Foundations series of levels A-C is geared towards ages 4-7. I do have to say that last year I used level A with a 7 year old and this year I’m using level B with an 8 year old. She is developmentally behind for her age and this course is working great. At first, when we started I worried that it would move too quickly or not work well for her. I think it’s more towards gifted children. But then, as we worked through she was actually getting the concepts that had eluded her before. I’m sold on the program.
Let’s talk cost. You can purchase either the hardback or the pdf version of the teacher’s manual for $38.00. The student workbook is $18.00 and available in both printed and pdf for both cursive and manuscript. What I received in the teacher’s manual and manuscript student workbook is valued at $56.00. If you choose to purchase the reusables they are $85 for what is typically received.

It is recommended that you use this product at least 4 days a week. We use in on a daily basis. Anyday that we do school we use our new reading program. I have found that consistency is the key in learning. You have to be consistent especially with children who have learning disabilities. They need that constant reminding and redoing. It is so easy to say oh let’s take a week break from this and then come back and find that they don’t remember the last two weeks worth of work! Then you have to go back and start over. Of course, it’s totally up to the parent though how you use the curriculum. If you want to use it three times a week instead you can do that.
Make sure to go to the Main TOS Crew Review Page to check out all the other Crew reviews. They’ll give you more of an idea of the other Logic of English products and whether any of them are right for you and your family. You can also find Logic of English on facebook, youtube, pinterest, and twitter.
Debbie Denny
This sounds like a great educational tool. Will share with my daughter-in-law.
Erin S.
It is a great program. So far we’ve used two levels and are looking forward to using the next level with our next school year.
Char W.
I really think these are great to go over with children during the Summer months as well when school is out. It should be beneficial for my son with Autism.
Erin S.
This program really would be! It’s written phonetically which is great for children who struggle. More emphasis on the sounds first and letters later.
Glad you found a program that works for your little one! That is always tough when they are behind, but with the right programs I am sure she will be right where she needs to in no time!
Erin S.
I am amazed with her progress somedays. Other days I simply remind myself of how much progress we have made since she came to be ours. This program however, is awesome and has made our life so much better!