A Christmas Story for Kids #hsreviews

As part of the TOS Review Crew, we recently received a new book to read and review.  It’s a great new Christmas story for kids.  David Nicholson has reintroduced such a sweet story entitled If He Had Not Come.  The Christmas story for kids was originally written by Nan F. Weeks, this is the first time in 55 years that it is back in print for children to enjoy!


Christmas Book Review
I don’t know about your family, but we try to focus Christmas on Christ and His birth and not about Santa Clause, reindeer, or Christmas trees.  We do still give the kids presents, but our main focus is on the reason for the season.  I have found it hard at times to find good books to read to the kids that are at “kid” level.  I don’t want to dig deep into theology with them everytime we open up a storybook.  I’d like to have some sweet stories that are Christ and Christmas centered to read before bed that don’t bring on debates.  

We have found this in our new Christmas story for kids.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  This book can lead to some really deep conversations.  It can really make both the child and the parent think when they’re reading.  What if Jesus had not come?  What if He had not been born?  

The book itself is a hardback children’s book.  It is geared for ages 6 and up.  And again, as I do with every review, I seem to have a different set of ages to tell you.  I read the book to all of my kids.  Ages 17 months through 9 years.  All except for the baby, who had busy things to be doing, sat still and listened intently.  I have two others besides the baby who are under age 6.  They are 4 and 3 and did seem to understand most of the story as well as have some questions to ask.  Do I think they understand fully?  No, I don’t think they fully get what the book is about.  But I do think that it is a good idea to start reading this book to children younger than 6.  They’ll glean bits and pieces from it.  And family time is always important.  If nothing else they will have memories of sitting with their family before bedtime reading a story.  And those are lasting memories.


Christmas Book Review
If you are thinking of purchasing the book it is available in two forms.  You can order both hardcover(as we received) or ebook.  I’m one of those that likes to feel a book and have it in my hands so I tend to go with physical books still but I know many people who love ebooks.  The hardcover version is available for purchase for $18.95 while the ebook is $3.99.  

I know even among Christians there are differing opinions with how lightly we should speak the name of God.  I know there will be some people who do not feel this is reverent enough, or Scripture based enough.  But, for me, this is perfect for children.  Yes, you as the parent have a responsibility to teach them of God and the Bible, but reading this Christmas story for kids to your child is not going to give them the wrong ideas about Christ, but rather in my opinion get them to think more on their own lives and what is important.  And as the book states it will give them a glimpse of what life would be like If He Had Not Come.

Interested in learning more about this book and what other reviewers might have thought?  Simply go to the Main TOS Crew blog page and click on read more reviews.  You’ll find a wealth of them and they are all over this one children’s book so you are bound to find lots of different takes on it.  You can also find the book on facebook.  


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