Homeschool Printables for ALL Subjects {TOS Crew Review}

I have long wanted to create my own printables, but I’m not very good at it. It’s not my strong suit. So I was very happy to get a year subscription to a website that offers homeschool printables for ALL subjects. You can even design your own! Where might this be? Why Super Teacher Worksheets of course! I received an Individual Membership which is a year-long subscription to ALL the homeschool printables!
To say that I was beyond excited to dig in and see what all I could find is an understatement. I was thrilled to see that they really did have homeschool printables for all subjects and all ages. With having 9 children ages ten down to two years old it is not often I find something that I can use for all of them.
And when I went to dig in I was overwhelmed with all the material at my fingertips! So many subjects tailored to so many ages. I could search for a certain subject or browse an age range or even do a very specific search. I have not been disappointed with the level of information that I can now easily use with my children.
While I did check out the create your own worksheets and even managed to make a few(shocking I know), I really enjoyed the variety of worksheets that I could find already made and ready to go. I’m excited to create some mini unit studies to go solely around the worksheets available! We’ll have a weather one and a holiday one, etc.
I tend to print out one worksheet from the website. Then I will make however many copies I need of the worksheet. Next I put the worksheet in a sheet protector and put it in a binder. I’m thinking I will eventually need a binder for each subject and for each grade, but for now they’re all going in the same binder but ordered out by subject. I like to be organized and to be able to come back and find things again when my next child needs it!
We have taken to adding at least one or two worksheets to our daily school schedule. If I’m not finding one specific to what we’re studying that day I’ll add in just a problem solver or puzzle worksheet for the older children and a color by number style worksheet for the younger children.
There are literally thousands of different worksheets that you can find and use on the Super Teacher Worksheets site. A year subscription is only $19.95(I got a year free thanks to the Crew) which to me is a great price for the resource you’re getting! Think of all the extra curriculum you won’t have to buy! I will have to say that I did have to buy more printer paper! Who knew that making worksheets for nine kids was going to use paper. I wasn’t stocked up. I now know that I need to make sure to budget printer paper into our homeschool budget. My husband didn’t appreciate me stealing all of his that he keeps stocked for his business! Buy paper in bulk and print away!
I loved that the homeschool printable covered a wide range of subjects. You can find them for math, science, history, etc. You can find maps or cloud formations or simply a fun worksheet to help on addition and coloring! Really and truly you can find almost anything you can think of. Also, it covers a variety of ages from preschool/kindergarten all the way up through high school though the greatest concentration of worksheets is for the kindergarten through middle school crowd as they are by far learning the most things. I don’t think I realized until I started homeschooling just how much and how quickly our young children learn.
If you’re interested in learning more about Super Teacher Worksheets please feel free to read the other reviews on the Main TOS Crew page as well as check them out on facebook, twitter, instagram, and pinterest. I know we loved being able to use this program and are enjoying getting to share that experience with you!
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