Homeschool Spanish {TOS Crew Review}

Homeschool Spanish
TOS Crew Review
Our homeschool has done a few different foreign languages but we’re always looking to add in a new one to see what works best for us. This year we’re trying out a homeschool Spanish called Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids. We received Starter Set 1 to review.

This is a physical product which is great for our school. Because it’s a physical you can touch and feel the books and cards. This homeschool Spanish program includes
- DVD with videos for levels 1-3
- flashcards and game cards for levels 1-3
- workbooks for levels 1-3
- stickers for levels 1-3
- Three parent teacher guides. These include a detailed lesson plan, suggested viewing schedule, supplemental and hands on activities to go with the program.
I used this program with all of my children ages 3-11. My youngest is three and though she can’t read or comprehend everything, she did pick up many of the words and could match some of the flashcards. My oldest is really enjoying this program as well. It’s fun and engaging plus they’re learning.
The program focuses on grades three and above. I only have two children who are in this category. They were the ones using the workbooks as the other kids weren’t quite ready for them. However, everyone was able to enjoy the DVD’s and learn words and phrases that they enjoyed repeating over and over and over throughout the weeks and days. I must say I now have quite a Spanish vocabulary just from listening to my children. They were also able to carry on small conversations of course through what they had learned and again I heard those over and over and over.
I must say that at times I was thinking I might go crazy with all of the repetition but then I realized that I have 9 kids that were now speaking at least some Spanish. The program met the goal. I can highly recommend this program to others and really
The most important aspect of the program in my opinion is the DVD. This is how your children are really going to learn the words and correct pronunciations. We watched the levels several times each. The more they are viewed the more the students learn.
This is an immersion course. This means you’re immersed or sent into a real life scenario where you’re learning words and phrases that would be needed in everyday life. Versus the textbook approach where you learn textbook phrases that you’re probably not going to use in an everyday setting. I find through our different homeschool Spanish courses that immersion is a better approach.
The curriculum is very laid out so that there is not much left for the parent to plan. It’s a 20 week course. The three videos or levels that are included on the DVD are
- Basketballs Aren’t For Breakfast
- Little Magic House, part 1
- Little Magic House, part 2
Each video has a workbook that accompanies it. My kids really enjoyed these videos. They’re cute and very much a kid centered cartoon type show. We spent most of our time on the first level. This is the Basketballs Aren’t for Breakfast portion. It’s very cute and entertaining. My kids stayed interested and enjoyed watching it.
The Spanish Starter Set 1 retails for $140.25 including the DVD, workbooks, flashcards, parent/teacher guides, and stickers. There is another membership option that allows you to stream the videos instead of receiving the DVD’s. We definitely prefer having the DVD’s versus the streaming but I can see how that would be preferable to others.
Make sure you also check out all the other reviews on the Main TOS Crew page. You can learn more about Foreign Languages for Kids by Kids on their facebook as well.
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