Homeschool Supplements {TOS Crew Review}

Homeschool Supplements
TOS Crew Review
As part of the TOS Crew we get an opportunity to review lots of products. Recently as I was thinking of what homeschool supplements I was going to need to purchase this year a new review through came through. We received an annual subscription(so a year subscription) to the CHSH Download Club.

As evidenced by it being a download club, these homeschool supplements are downloadable and entirely online. It’s really simple to use. You go to their website, log in, and browse. Find something you like and you can just download and print it off. Easy as can be.
I was pleasantly surprised with the vast amount of downloads that had available for us. There is a vast array of different subjects and subject matter that can be used. If a homeschool parent wanted to create unit studies using the resources on CHSH Download Club, they could!
My favorite discovery when browsing through all the downloads was that they have the McGuffey readers on there! I love these readers and have the complete set on my school set of bookshelves. In my mind these are still a great resource for us to use when teaching our children to read. If you don’t own a set the option to download them through here is wonderful.
Back to the homeschool supplements. My favorite section to use and print off for my children now is the holiday studies. Through the summer and fall we aren’t hard-core into school due to the weather being nice and living on a farm. We’re still doing school, don’t get me wrong, but we’re not in our books all day everyday.
Holiday studies are a great way to be learning in addition to your regular studies and covering fun things. We could go outside to do these or take them with us when we walked out to find the horses. A great spot for schooling is a small area we have set up in our wooded bluff area. We have benches to sit on and it has a natural cathedral type effect to it. So peaceful. Well, peaceful when there aren’t ten kids there maybe.
The other section that we have used the most during our review period is the Bible section. I’m loving using their Bible memorization sheets with my kids. I want them to have a large memory bank of verses when they leave my house and this gives me a great place to start. Right now we’re working through the A-Z memory verse cards though I’m looking forward to using their Bible copywork pages for the holidays they correspond with too.
I’ve discussed the homeschool supplements that I’ve used and found on the CHSH site. What I haven’t mentioned is that this is more than just a spot where you can go to find curriculum. It’s also a community where you can add curriculum or worksheets you have created as well. You can find help and support through this site in addition to the homeschool supplements. There is a forum available to chat with other homeschool parents who utilize the site as well where you can find friendship and moms in your situation can offer helpful hints and tips.
Personally, I have not had a lot of time to chat with others in the forum, but I have browsed some of the topics for special needs homeschooling and found them helpful. The forum has lots of different topics or threads that you can browse such as groups by student grade/age or laws that homeschoolers should be aware of. There is also a section for unlimited downloads which is where you can find the resources that other homeschool moms have decided to share.
If you’d like to learn more about and the homeschool supplements they offer make sure to head over to the Main TOS Crew blog and look at all the other reviews. You can also find them on their facebook page or group, twitter, pinterest, google + group and page, Linked-In, and Tumblr.
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