History Through Books {Homeschool Review Crew}

History Through Books
Homeschool Review Crew
Do you love history? We do! I also like using a more Charlotte Mason approach in our homeschool. Learning history through books is the perfect way to go! We’re beyond excited to tell you about a new series of books that we’ve recently been reviewing through the Homeschool Review Crew. It’s the If You Were Me and Lived In . . . . series brought to you by Carole P. Roman and Awaywegomedia.com. We received four titles for our review!
The four titles we received are If You Were Me and Lived In . . . Elizabethan England(An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time)(Volume 3), If You Were Me and Lived in . . . the Middle Ages(An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time)(Volume 6), If You Were Me and Lived in . . . Colonial America(An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time)(Volume 4), and If You Were Me and Lived in . . . Renaissance Italy(An Introduction to Civilizations Throughout Time)(Volume 2).
These learning history through books titles do not have to be done in order of volumes. Which is wonderful! It allows for kids to pick what time period most interests them and dig in. No slow going through titles that hold no appeal for them just to get to the fun stuff.
I personally love the Elizabethan England period and couldn’t wait to dig into that book with my children. Learning history through books is so much fun. Well, it is to me! And thankfully my children have inherited my love of reading and history as well. The books are engaging and full of information. When you travel to Elizabethan England you become the child of a mid-class tradesman. But, you also learn about the class of people above and below you. You learn about the entire time period without really realizing you’re learning. This is why learning history through books is so much fun! This book is 50 pages long including the important people section and glossary.

After going through the Elizabethan England book we jaunted back into time through the Middle Ages. It’s a bit longer than the first at 97 pages long. We could have done these in order probably but I was in a hurry for the Elizabethan England. It’s my favorite time period! Medieval would be a close second though. In the middle ages we got to become wealthy(where we were middle class in Elizabethan). This was a new and fun experience and even my three year old daughter was interested in the book and what we were reading. Blood letting brought about a very long discussion as well.

We decided to stay with this theme and went to Renaissance Italy next. It’s again a bit thinner at 53 pages long. I can’t say that I have ever put a lot of study into the Renaissance though I do like the time period. It’s not a favorite that’s garnered a lot of attention. I love that in all of the books they show the city or area that you’re studying in a then and a now picture for comparison. This is great and leads to a lot of good observations and study. We also love finding all the names that might have been. Some bring a lot of laughs from my children. Studying the Renaissance also gave us more information about why people didn’t drink water.

Our last stop brought us to Colonial America. This would be an amazing book to add to a Thanksgiving unit study. It is 61 pages long. There are other books in this series about different periods in American history but this is the one we were sent. It’s 61 pages long. You’re in for a fun adventure in this book as you start out in England before going to the Netherlands and finally America.
This book series brings you history through books in a way that children of all ages will love and enjoy. It’s not the dry history that makes you memorize dates and names though. The history you’re learning is much more fun! Learn the clothes that were worn, the way they wore their hair, the food they ate, etc. History through books helps bring about the discovery of history through the eyes of a child their own age living in a different time. It’s fun yet also learning which is the best combination!

Homeschool Base
The Renaissance time period was always a favorite of ours! Wish we could have read that book back in the day. My last one is about to graduate :'(
Erin S.
I can’t imagine having my youngest being that old yet. But then again I can’t believe my oldest will be 12 soon. These are great books and have made me want to study more time periods with my kids.