American History Study {Homeschool Review Crew}
American History Study
Homeschool Review Crew
As we’re working through our school year I decided that we needed to add in more history. Who can go wrong with history? It’s a favorite subject of ours and we really haven’t covered a lot of American History lately. Enter Memoria Press to the rescue. We received two products from them to review that pertain to American history; 200 Questions About American History Set and The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic Set.

I was so excited when these came in the mail. My kids gave me a look though. I think they saw more work for them and less excitement. That didn’t last long. They soon were over at the box with me asking questions and wanting to know if they could take parts and read them.
About the Curriculum
Since we received two sets let’s talk briefly about each. Both sets are meant for grades 5-8. I think this is spot on and have been using them with my two who are doing 5/6 grade work. Now the cards that come with the 200 Questions about American History Set are super fun and all my kids love looking at those. They’re all learning so much just from reading and chatting about the cards.
Now about 200 Questions about American History Set. It is a great set compiled of the teacher guide, student book, and the flashcards. We have loved working with this set. Created to work with The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic this ties in very well. It can also be used with The Story of the World Volume IV. We use The Story of the World as well but are only in book 1 so can’t tell you how well they work together. I can say that there were some questions in here that I didn’t know so this is a very thorough course!

The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and The Great Republic is also a set. It comes with a text, teachers guide, and student guide. This is the newly revised second edition. The text you receive is a combined version of the books by H. A. Grueber. Memoria Press edited and combined them for this current text. This covers the start of America with the Native Americans up through 1898 and the Spanish American War.
Both sets work together and provide great coverage of American History for your student. The student books are meant to be used by one student so additional student books for additional students. They’re easy to purchase through Memoria Press and shipping is fast.

Our Thoughts
My kids loved this. We’ve used other Memoria Press products before and have loved them as well but this is our first time trying out their history.
As a way to add the younger kids into our school we would read aloud our history portions for the day. The text by Grueber is not dry and dull so they all loved to listen and learn. Without doing the actual questions my other kids are learning a lot about American History too. Sometimes I would do a few of the questions that weren’t too difficult with the younger ones too outloud.
We loved learning more about American history and loved all the mapwork. No map comes with this, but normally homeschoolers have a plethora right? We used one that I had on hand so we could map American expansion.
I have found as a parent that we’ve thoroughly covered some time periods and not as thoroughly others. My husband and I met reenacting the Civil War. I’ve been doing this since I was 7, so obviously my children have grown up doing it as well and know a lot about that time period. They don’t know as much about the Colonial time period so I’m glad to have these two resources that thoroughly cover this period!
Learn More
Learn more about the two American History sets we received as well as the other Memoria Press products that were up for review by going to the Main Crew Review blog and checking out all the reviews that are linked up. You can also find them on facebook, instagram, twitter, and pinterest.
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