Homeschool Reading Made Fun {Homeschool Review Crew}

Homeschool Reading Made Fun
Through The Homeschool Review Crew
Homeschool reading made fun is easy using Readers in Residence Volume 1 (sleuth) from Apologia Educational Ministries. We received this new curriculum to review through the Homeschool Review Crew and can’t wait to share our thoughts with you.

We actually are a houseful of readers and love to read here. But, sometimes I wonder how much of the books my kids are comprehending. I wanted to make sure that they are reading not just for enjoyment but for content also. That is why when I saw that Readers in Residence was offered as a review item this semester I jumped at the chance!
About the Curriculum
This new program and Volume 1 specifically is geared towards grades 4-6. I am using it with two of my children who are in grade 5 roughly. As far reading level they are definitely above their grade but again I’m not sure that they comprehend everything they read. We’re loving this program though.
Prior to starting this curriculum your child should know how to read and be reading well. They should be reading at a 4th grade level at least. If your child is older but has special needs or is a slow reader they could definitely use this program as well.
Primarily in Readers in Residence Volume 1 (sleuth) your child is going to learn how to read for comprehension through activities and reading assignments.
Two books are included for this curriculum, an all inclusive student book and a teacher’s guide. I love that the student book is spiral bound as that makes it easier to flip the pages and use it without breaking the binding. The teacher’s book contains all the answers and helpful hints that you’ll need to help your child go through their workbook.
Skills to be targeted and learned through this curriculum:
- identify and understand figures of speech(hyperbole, metaphor, etc)
- build up their vocabulary
- use context clues to decode meanings of unfamiliar words
- pay attention to and note how writers use punctuation and the others elements of writing
- make inferences
- recognize literary elements that are used to create fiction and nonfiction
- understand the author’s crafts, intentions, and choices
Our Thoughts
As I mentioned above, this curriculum is geared for grades 4-6 and my two fit in there nicely. Both love to read and were excited to get to read books for school. We do a lot of free reading and read alouds instead of just assigning books to be read.
There are three books that we get to read with this curriculum. Sarah, Plain and Tall is the first book to be read. You do need to read these in order and work through them in order because they build on what your child is learning. We already had this book in our cabinet so we were ready to go! I did get a second copy from the library as I have two children going through this. I also bought a second student workbook.
The other two books to be used are Charlotte’s Web and Because of Winn Dixie. My kids have read all of these books prior so they weren’t overjoyed at reading them again. As we worked through the workbook pages to go with Sarah, Plain and Tall though they realized that they had missed out on details and facts through the book before. They had read the book just for enjoyment and didn’t take in everything. Studying the book with questions actually made them focus and comprehend so much more.
I personally love this curriculum and what my children are learning. My children are really enjoying it as well. I can see this continuing to be used in our homeschool and us going on to purchase the other volumes. Homeschool reading made fun and full of learning is what this curriculum amounts to.
Learn More
To find out what other review families thought of having homeschool reading made fun with Readers in Residence Volume 1 (sleuth) please visit the main Homeschool Review Crew blog review page where all the reviews will be linked up. You’re sure to find a schooling style that correlates with yours to see how it works in their school. Also check out Apologia on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
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