Help for the Harried Homeschool Mom {Homeschool Review Crew}

Help for the Harried Homeschool Mom
Homeschool Review Crew
Are you a homeschol mom? Overwhelmed by homeschooling? Listen up because there is help for you momma; there is help for the harried homeschool mom. I’ve recently had the chance to review a help for the harried homeschool mom and I want to share about it with you. Homeschool Rescue created by Heather at Only Passionate Curiosity has created this resource just for the homeschool parent who isn’t sure what they’re doing anymore!
About This Resource
This course is made for the homeschool parent. In particular it is written to be a help for the harried homeschool mom with a vast age of children. With this course comes lifetime access to the facebook group and materials. There are five modules to work through with each module containing several different lessons. It is self paced so you can work through at your own timing. A unique aspect of this program is that it is only available for sale at different times during the year as the creator wants to have time to work with each group of people coming through. She’s available through the facebook group and support to help and guide people through the program.
Because this is only for sale for limited times so the classes can get the most help I want to let you know it is open for enrollees now! Mid May through June 1 you can sign up to go through this course yourself. The class will run June-July but remember you get lifetime access to the information. The course price is currently set at $97 that lets you into the modules and the facebook group. If you’d like the VIP access which gives you the one on one coaching and support that is a slightly higher number.

A Closer Look
The first module is titled Triage Your Homeschool. As a nurse I am very familiar with triage and what that means. Surprisingly though, I had never thought of applying the knowledge of triage to my homeschool or to my home. Basically this module is your starting point to take stock of where you are, where you want to be, and how you’re going to get there. It will teach you how to determine what is the most important to you and what makes you driven and then work with those to help you form a plan.
Module Two is Time Management Systems and Organization. This is my favorite module. I find it really hard to say no sometimes to outside activities. Mainly I’m an introvert but I want my children to have all the opportunities they can. Newsflash!! They don’t need it all. Trust me. None of our kids do. I’m working this summer on pairing down what we do outside of the home so we can be more flexible for the fun things. Fun is important. Also this module talks on organization and with 12 people, two huge dogs, and four cats in a 1100 square foot house, I can use all the organizational helps and hints.
For Module Three we step into Curriculum Planning and Organization. This is a great module to be going through right now as most people are ending a year and starting a new one soon. For me, we school year round and our curriculum change up happens in January because that is when we have the most time to focus on a switch. It’s my husband’s work slow season(he’s self employed) and we’re not gardening plus it’s not so nice the kids want to be outside all the time. There is a section in this about classrooms. We don’t have a classroom, so if you don’t either take note that even this section has relevance to you. So don’t skip it!
On to Module Four! Module Four delves into Setting Students up For Success. This seems like a no brainer. We all want our kids to succeed. Otherwise why would we homeschool? But we may not be going about it the right way. This is where I’m at. For me I see myself coming back to this section over and over and over again. It chats about consequences, reward systems, mastering the follow through, and training up our children. Oh my. This is so hard guys. We all know training our children is a full time job in and of itself. For me the follow through each and every time consistently is the hardest part. With ten kids and a baby still nursing it’s so easy to just tell them what’s going to happen and then not get up that exact minute to do it because I’m putting a baby down, but then I forget to finish that follow through.
The fifth and last module is all about Teaching Older Children/Students. My oldest is only 12 right now so I haven’t really gotten into this module that much. I don’t consider her an older child yet as we’re not into junior high or high school studies. This module works on study skills and time management(which I will start working with her on soon) as well as talks on teaching teens. I’m still in denial that my child will be a teenager next year. Give me another month of denial until she tells me she’s hit that half birthday and I may have to kick myself out of my world of denial.

Bonus Materials
We all love bonuses. This course offers you several bonuses that I wanted to talk about. I’ve mentioned the online facebook group just for members of the course which is amazing but there is more!
I love the printable mom planners. It’s so hard to find free ones that have all I want on them and I’m horrible and creating things myself so this was amazing for me.
Along with the printable mom planners are academic planners for teens which I have not accessed yet but probably will be using for our next school year. And to go along with this are to do lists for your children. I am a lover of to do lists for me but hadn’t really used them with my kids before. We are now! I love knowing that they know what is required of them for the day. Because they have this knowledge I also know when they are just choosing to let their personal desires and natures get in the way of what they should do. This opens up areas for character training which is also covered in the modules.
You also get personalized support through emails. Not many courses will offer this to you so make sure you take advantage of it if you need it.
Our Thoughts
I’m a seasoned homeschool mom. Or I like to think I am maybe. But I can definitely relate to the mom who needs help. I’m a harried mom half the time. There is always so much to get done and I felt that my schedule needed a revamp. For some reason adding in baby #10 this past year just really threw me for a loop. Maybe it was my health taking a quick downward spiral or the time that I worked outside of the home the fall before. Whatever it was my home and our homeschool were suffering.
I was excited to start this program. I have to admit I haven’t been able to work through the entire course yet. What I have worked through is really good and helpful though. This is a wonderful course. I see it helping veteran homeschool moms and new homeschool moms alike. It’s well done and very informative plus interactive. The facebook group is a great place to chat and ask other moms opinions of things related to the course that you’re just not sure about. It’s also a good place to share your own story and ask questions about how you’re implementing the changes.

Learn More
Interested in what you’ve read? Want to learn more? Check out all the other reviews linked up over on the Main Homeschool Review Crew blog page. You can also find Only Passionate Curiosity on facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram, and google +.
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