Mom Approved Paints {Homeschool Review Crew}

Mom Approved Paints
Homeschool Review Crew

About the Product
This fun pack of 24 colors introduces us to the thin stix kwik stix colors. We’ve reviewed their original kwik stix before and loved them so I knew these would be just as fun. These amazing colors are non toxic tempura paint in stick form so they need no water and no brushes. You simply color with the paint stick like you would a marker. They dry in 90 seconds so less mess means these are mom approved paints.
We got some fun colors in this kit. There are 24 all together. While 12 of them are your standard colors there are also six metalix and six neon colors as well. My kids particularly loved the sparkly colors(metalix) because that was something that they hadn’t had before. I love how easy they are to use even for my little toddler guy who thinks he needs to do everything the big kids do.
Our Thoughts
Obviously since I titled this post mom approved paints I approve of them. They are easy to use and mess free. For real mess free. When one of my kids got some paint on the table it easily wiped off which cemented their worth in my eyes.
A fun fact is that I have ten kids. All ten of my kids used these to create their gorgeous works of art. And the paints are still almost all full. Which means using them to paint ten pictures did not use much at all. For us this is amazing. If we were to use a normal palette of paint we would use the whole thing just for making one set of pictures. Believe me as we have. It’s easy to use too much and saturate your paper when you’re using a brush. When it’s a marker it’s so much easier to control where the paint goes.
That brings us to another point. These work amazingly for kids who have fine motor control issues. My gal who has had to have occupational therapy for fine motor can use these wonderfully and is so proud of her pretty pictures. Using paint brushes does not get the same results for her and often makes her sad that she can’t do what everyone else can do. This evens the playing field so to say and makes them even more mom approved paints for moms who have kids with special needs. Or moms who really just don’t like messes(raising my hand here).
Learn More
Want to learn more about Thin Stix and how others have used them? Check out all the reviews posted and linked up. You can find them all linked up over on the Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. Also make sure to check them out on social media via facebook, twitter, and pinterest.
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