Reading Eggs for Kids

Reading Eggs for Kids
Homeschool Review Crew
Recently we received a new workbook for review to help with reading for third grade level. Reading Eggs for kids has come out with an alternative or in addition to their online program which involves an actual physical workbook. We chose the third grade level to help a struggling reader we have. The book, 200 Essential Reading Skills for Third Grade is designed to help increase reading skills through daily usage. Previously we have used their online program reading eggs as well as math seeds. In addition to the workbook we received three free months to their online reading eggs program and math program.

About the Program
This workbook version of reading eggs for kids is designed to be used for 15 minutes a day five days a week. There are a total of 217 pages which includes an answer key at the back of the book. It focuses on a single grade. We chose third grade as I have a struggling reader who could benefit from this. Some of the areas focused on are comprehension, spelling, grammar, and review.

The workbooks are currently available for $19.95 each and for grades kindergarten through fifth grade. They also have new math workbooks available for grades kindergarten, first, and second.
It’s designed to be a 36 week program to help your child master all the reading skills needed at this grade level. Each page at the top will tell you which week and day your child should complete it. It’s very easy to do and does not require planning on the parents part except to make sure you have basics pencils on hand!
Within the workbook you will find:
- 200 essential reading skills
- 72 comprehension lessons
- fiction and non fiction texts
- 72 spelling lessons
- 36 grammar lessons
- 4 reviews that test knowledge
- answer sheets included
- year planner
- full color workbook
- 217 pages
How We Used
I have been using this with a 10 year old boy who is still struggling with reading. Hearing him sound out words can be painful for me as his mom and teacher. It’s not that he can’t read, it’s just that reading is slow for him. I thought the chance to work with reading eggs for kids on their new workbook would be great for him! We chose grade three for his workbook based on having used the online program before and using their placement test.
When we opened the workbook I questioned our choice of grades a bit. It starts out with reading two paragraphs and working on reading comprehension. I have mainly been focusing on just actually reading with him and was worried reading and comprehension at one might not be something he could handle. He did well! I did have to be right there to help with sounding out some of the words. After the first read through which was slow we did read it an additional time to try to make sure he could remember versus just working to sound out all the words.
What We Thought
The workbook does not just have your child answering questions. Yes there are questions. They can be multiple choice, fill in the blank, or matching. But it’s the other things that my kids like more. For instance it may have you highlight, put boxes or circles around things in the passages, or color and underline. These are fun action things that help them focus on the passage while deciphering and decoding for comprehension while also being fun. It says to highlight some things. I did have to search for a highlighter as I couldn’t remember the last time we’d used one!
Working through the workbook I love how much more confident he is becoming with reading. Each week he does two comprehension lessons, two spelling lessons, and one grammar lesson.
We are in week four of the program as we received our curriculum in the middle of a week and decided to wait until the next Monday to start. This was due to it definitely being set up as a five day work week.
Learn More
Ready to learn more about the different workbooks for different grades? Check out the main blog post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog where all the different reviews have been linked up. You can also learn more about reading eggs for kids on facebook, instagram, twitter, and pinterest.
Because Reading Eggs is awesome and wants kids to learn they are offering 10% off their workbooks by simply using this code WK10GI7INBM.
You can also get four weeks FREE with reading eggs online by using this link.
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