Learning the Books of The Bible

Learning the Books of the Bible
Homeschool Review Crew
Recently our house has been making use of a fun new product that we received for review through the Homeschool Review Crew and Teach Sunday School. These Printable Books of the Bible “Summary Sheets” are just what I was looking for for our homeschool. After a quick download and print it’s very easy for my children to start working with them! Our main goal is to make learning the books of the Bible fun and easy with this product.

About the Product
Each book of the Bible has their own sheet of paper. On that piece of paper you’re going to learn the book title, where it sits in the Bible(order number for Old or New), and also who wrote this book. Other things you’ll learn are that books particular claim to fame or rather why it is important. Another piece of news is approximately when the book was written and what was happening around that time. A fun piece that I enjoyed was learning what span of time each book covers. For instance, was it all within the range of 400-300 BC or does it also talk about the future as well? You’ll also see the famous stories within the book and the most famous verse from the book. Don’t forget you also get all the important points from each book as well.

Our Thoughts
My main goal with requesting to review this material was to help some of my kids who are struggling to memorize the books of the Bible. Another goal was to help those children who already had started memorizing the books of the Bible to know more about those books of the Bible. Let’s face it, some of the Old Testament is hard to understand when you’re young. These pages tell you a quick summary and key points of the books of the Bible while still making learning the books of the Bible fun.
The famous verse from each book makes a great memory verse to learn to go along with learning the books of the Bible.
What I did for helping us use this resource is first download the PDF. This is only available as a download. After downloading I printed it off. Next I placed the pages within a three ring binder. I’m a fan of three ring binders so I thought learning the books of the Bible shouldn’t be any different! This allows us to be able to flip through the pages easily. When putting in the binder I put them all in order.
As far as using my younger kids basically just made use of the book of the Bible. They could read about each book if they wanted to(if they could read) but mainly we are focusing on learning the books of the Bible in order so they’re easier to find. My older kids are also charged with memorizing the books of the Bible but they are also reading about each book and memorizing the key verse from each book as well.
Other Thoughts
I think this would make a great resource for studying one book of the Bible per month within a homeschool or church Sunday school class. You could easily spend quite a bit of time reading about the key people and places and finding out where it happened on a map. Plus add in the memory verse and learning the time frame of the book. I could see this becoming a great Bible resource for school or church.
Learn More
Learn more about this great product by viewing all of the reviews linked up on the main blog post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. You can also visit them on facebook, pinterest, instagram, and YouTube.
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