Ancient Egypt Online Unit Study

Ancient Egypt Online Unit Study
Homeschool Review Crew
Recently with the Homeschool Review Crew, we got to try out a unit study from Techie Homeschool Mom. The one we chose is the Ancient Egypt Online Unit Study. Access is online for as long as needed using as many computers or devices as needed. This means I can use it with all of my children together or separate for as long as we’re homeschooling and it remains active.
About the Curriculum
This curriculum was created by homeschool mom Beth Napoli. She created unit studies that not only allow your child to learn about a new topic but also to learn about the digital world. I will admit my children don’t do a lot of online things so they’re not very tech savvy. This is a great resource if your children are like mine and need some tech help. It’s a great gentle approach. Simply follow the links and instructions. They’re simple and easy to allow your child to thrive. And of course, if there is a reason your child might be overwhelmed or not able to do something you have the flexibility to change things.
If you’re interested in cost this Ancient Egypt Online Unit Study course is currently retailing for $35.
Each unit study is geared for multiple ages and skill levels. And the best part is that they are unit studies so they cover multiple subjects as well. So while learning about Ancient Egypt you’re covering science, history, reading, writing, etc. Definitely, a favorite way of ours to learn.
The actual target area for children using these studies is mid-elementary to middle school. This way they can read and follow instructions on their own. Younger children are always welcome to use with their older siblings or with parental help.
This is a self-paced online course. No deadlines, no demands, no pressure. Currently, you can choose from 28 different self-paced courses. Our second choice was the Solar System. We’re lovers of ancient history though so we had to do it first.
Our Thoughts
This curriculum is so fun. We’re almost anti-tech in our homeschool so I was thrilled with a way to introduce my children to tech in a good safe way. My children have loved that there are hands-on projects to be done instead of just reading and computer work. I loved that she has a list of books to read or that can be read along with the curriculum. Of course, I may have added a few more of my own to the list because books are amazing and awesome.
Above you see part of the books used. We love all things GA Henty and used the Heirloom Audio Productions audio drama of The Cat of Bubastes as we had a copy of that and not the physical book.
As a large family mama, I love that I can have unlimited access to this to use with all of my kids. My younger kids enjoyed the projects just as much as the older kids or maybe even more as they loved watching the older kids do theirs and trying their hands at their own.
The activities and projects are fun and enjoyable. They’re also not super hard and help your child learn to use different forms of technology. Honestly, half these forms of technology I myself don’t know how to use. So it was definitely a learning experience for me as well.
There are nine web-based lessons. Each one should take 2-3 hours to complete. You get directed to readings and assignments for each lesson. Some have you compare and contrast modern day with ancient. Some have you mummifying your doll or possibly trying out some makeup hacks. Okay, so we watched about the makeup but we did not try that one out.
Curiosity Stream is needed for this unit. There is a free trial available. I would recommend if you’re not going to subscribe to this that you go through and do all the lessons needing access to this first so it doesn’t expire before you’re done. We will not be purchasing a subscription. I do like the BBC presentations that are on it though. So basically I’m saying take access and full advantage of the free trial while you have it.
All in all, we would recommend this product. I’m interested myself in reading reviews of the other courses to see if we would want to purchase one. I love how large family friendly they are and that there is not a time table of how fast you must do the course.
Learn More
Learn more about both the Ancient Egypt Online Unit Study and the other unit studies offered by Techie Homeschool Mom by reading all of the reviews linked up on the Main Blog post. You can also visit them on facebook, twitter, youtube, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Here are all of the units offered for review:
Ancient Egypt Online Unit Study
Ancient Greece Online Unit Study
Ancient Rome Online Unit Study
Famous Artists Online Unit Study (Vol. 1)
Famous Artists Online Unit Study (Vol. 2)
Famous Inventors Online Unit Study
Solar System Online Unit Study
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