Blue Moon

Blue Moon

Blue Moon


About the Book Blue Moon


Blue Moon


Book: Blue Moon

Author: Jenny Knipfer

Genre: Historical Fiction

Release Date: September 27, 2019

By the Light of the Moon series:
Readers who love being trapped in a character’s mind should relish this finely written, gripping series. A must-read for fans of historical fiction.”–The Prairies Book Review

A tale of precious things rarer than a blue moon…

The year is 1885 and unwed Vanessa Gulet must surrender her newborn son to her married twin sister, Valerie, to raise. A seed of bitterness grows in Vanessa. When the opportunity arises for her to have what she’s always wanted, Vanessa takes it despite the consequences to her family, getting more than she bargained for.

Meanwhile, Valerie, overcome with loss and grief, faces a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Will she and her husband, Felix, forge through their trials together, or will these upsets cause them to drift apart?

Will Vanessa and Valerie remain at odds, or will they allow the power of forgiveness to heal their strained relationship?

Love seems to bloom in the most unlikely of places in Webaashi Bay for an old friend of Jenay’s and a woman who owns the local dress shop. A parallel tale of love, forgiveness, and reuniting lost things is spun by a local author adding another dimension to the tale of the Gulet twins and their saga.

Fans of historical fiction, Christian historical fiction, clean romance, and literary fiction will enjoy this dramatic read!

Click here to get your copy!


My Thoughts on Blue Moon:

Blue Moon is book two in a series and is the continuation of Ruby Moon. We have some of the same characters but add more plus drama.

I do want to start with saying that reading this book without reading the first book in the series is really not an option.  You need to read them both and read them in order.  This will help you understand the storyline and who everyone is. 

Second I have to say that this is not a series that I would let me teenage daughter read.  It’s not any overt but there are some references to adultery, ogling of bodies, etc, and some mild language.

Now onto the story!

I love seeing hard topics discussed and that is something this author does well. She does it in a timehop/gap way as well.  So we’re in different time periods through out the book but they do identify themselves with when each section is taking place as you read them. It can get a bit confusing but all in all it’s easy to figure out by who is in the scene.  

This book takes on babies out of wedlock and MS diagnosis.  Plus we’ve got identical twins and love lost and love betrayed.  Oh and people having decisions made for them. 

Lily is such a wonderful character and I loved her addition to this book.  Everything is better with a precocious young girl isn’t it?  You’ll love meeting Vanessa and sharing her story while also getting to peak back in on Janay from the first book.


I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

About the Author of Blue Moon



Jenny lives in Wisconsin with her husband, Ken, and their pet Yorkie, Ruby. She is also a mom and loves being a grandma. She enjoys many creative pursuits but finds writing the most fulfilling.

Jenny’s education background stems from psychology, music, and cultural missions. She spent many years as a librarian in a local public library but recently switched to using her skills as a floral designer in a retail flower shop. She is now retired from work due to disability.

She authored and performed a self-published musical CD entitled, Scrapbook of a Closet Poet.

Jenny’s first three books earned five-star reviews from Reader’s Favorite, a book review and award contest company. Their praise: “Ruby Moon is entertaining, fast-paced, and features characters that are real. Blue Moon continues a well-written and highly engaging saga of family ties, betrayals, and heartaches… Silver Moon is a highly recommended read for fans of historical wartime fiction, powerful emotive drama, and excellent atmospheric writing.”

She holds membership in the: Midwest Independent Booksellers Association, Historical Novel Society, Wisconsin Writers Association, Indie Christian Publishing Association, and Independent Book Publishers Association.

Jenny’s favorite place to relax is by the western shore of Lake Superior, where her novel series, By The Light of the Moon, is set. She has self-published the first two books, Ruby Moon and Blue Moon in her four-part series. Two more novels to complete the series are planned for 2020. She is currently writing a new historical fiction series called, Sheltering Trees.

Libraries and retailers may find Jenny’s books on Ingram. Support your local bookstores, and request a copy of Jenny’s books there. Purchase paperbacks retail on Amazon. Ebooks are available through your favorite ebook retailer.

Keep current with Jenny by visiting her website at


More from Jenny

In Blue Moon I play off a minor character from Ruby Moon, Vanessa Gulet. When Ruby Moon ended, I started wondering what Vanessa’s life had been like, rejected by Renault, her old flame who had promised her his devotion.

Vanessa’s story grew along with Valerie’s, her identical twin sister. Asking the question of what could divide twin siblings drew me deep into the drama of the Gulet sisters, and a story of desire and loss sprang from my imagination.

An even richer depth occurred when I brought the main character from Ruby Moon, Jenay, into the thick of the twins’ saga. Vanessa must come to grips with what really happened to Renault and who was involved. Will she forgive the past and the unintentional wrongs committed and embrace the new friend she has made or not?

Also, I wrote from experience in Blue Moon, as Valerie must face the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and how to live with the fear of the unknown shadowing her life. It was therapeutic for me to write some of my own feeling and thoughts through Valerie. Journaling has always been a way for me to manage my emotions, and writing via story form was no different. Chances are you either know someone with MS or know of someone with MS. The disease is very prevalent in the U.S., and through Blue Moon I want to draw some awareness to what I and many people live with every day.

I hope in Blue Moon that the theme of forgiveness will encourage readers through their own struggles and believe that choosing to forgive is always the better choice, often bringing unforeseen blessings.

Thank you for taking the time to read a little about Blue Moon and its origin! I hope you get a chance to read it and the twins’ tale of forgiveness. If you do, please let me know, and please leave a review.

Blessings, J

P.S. Did you know I include a recipe pertaining to the story in most of my books? In Blue Moon, I include an old family favorite: butter tarts. Lily, a daughter of the man Vanessa meets and is drawn to in Webaashi Bay, loves butter tarts. Vanessa and Lily make them together. Following is the recipe.


Lily’s Butter Tart

1 C sugar

¼ C softened butter or butter substitute

2 eggs

juice of half a lemon

½ C golden raisins

½ C sweetened shredded coconut

Your favorite pie crust recipe for one 9” crust

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and lemon juice. Beat well. By hand mix in the raisins and coconut. Line pastry tin with pie crust and fill with mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until set.

I based this recipe on an old one of my grandmother’s from the late 1800s. NOTE: You can also cut rounds of pie crust to fill muffin tins to make smaller tarts. (Lily’s style) I make the one dish version because it’s less fuss.


Blog Stops for Blue Moon

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 20

lakesidelivingsite, November 20

Texas Book-aholic, November 21

Inklings and notions, November 22

For Him and My Family, November 23

KarenSueHadley, November 23

Rebecca Tews, November 24

deb’s Book Review, November 25

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 26

Captive Dreams Window, November 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 27

Artistic Nobody, November 28 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Ashley’s Bookshelf, November 29

Betti Mace, November 30

Sara Jane Jacobs, December 1

Connie’s History Classroom, December 2

Splashes of Joy, December 3

Bizwings Blog, December 3


Giveaway for Blue Moon


Blue Moon


To celebrate her tour, Jenny is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card, a copy of Blue Moon, and a pair of earrings reflecting Blue Moon’s theme!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway!

Click the link below to enter.

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  1. Rita Wray

    I like the review and cover.

    1. Erin S.

      Covers are often the very thing that draws me in.

  2. lakesidelivingsite

    I really like your review. It is honest and helpful for moms of teens. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Erin S.

      Because I do have teens I like to share about how I’d feel having them read the books.

  3. Caryl Kane

    Erin, Thank you for sharing your content concerns.

  4. Emma

    This sounds good! It covers a lot of themes.

    1. Erin S.

      It really does cover a lot of areas.

  5. James Robert

    It’s great hearing about new books when you have a family who loves to read. Thanks so much for sharing your book.

  6. Melissa Wenger

    Thank you for your content warning regarding younger readers. While I would certainly read this, I try to keep those things in mind when recommending to others.

    1. Erin S.

      Yes! I really like that as well because I have kids ranging from 16 down to age two. So we’ve got this broad range and I’ve got ten-year-olds wanting to read what the 16-year-old does. It’s always good to know if it’s appropriate for her too or not.

  7. Bea LaRocca

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful review of Blue Moon, it sounds like an excellent book and series.

  8. Jenny Knipfer

    Thank you so much for sharing about Blue Moon and reviewing it. I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Erin S.

      I really enjoyed this book as well as the whole series. Thanks for letting me be on the review teams.

  9. lakesidelivingsite

    Thanks for sharing about this book.

    1. Erin S.

      Thanks for stopping by and looking at my review.

  10. Dianna

    I haven’t read the first book in the series — appreciate having the heads up!

    1. Erin S.

      Yes. Definitely read this series in order for maximum understanding and not feeling lost.

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