Harmful Haven

Harmful Haven

Harmful Haven


About the Book Harmful Haven


Harmful Haven


Book: Harmful Haven

Author: Emily Yager

Genre: Inspirational Romantic Suspense

Release Date: August 5, 2020


Everyone has secrets…Yet not everyone has lives depending on them being kept.

Following in her mother’s footsteps, Inessa Jo Ellingson, a trained
nurse, uses her home as a secret safe haven for abuse victims. When
unusual incidents start to turn into threats, Inessa works diligently
to protect her secret and the safety of those who depend on her.

Retired Marine Sergeant, Torian von Arx, hired to find a missing
person meets the stubborn Inessa who seems determined to stall his
mission. As trouble brews, he feels compelled to protect her against
the secret that threatens to destroy them both.

Will they be able to trust each other in time to save the others?

Click here to get your copy!



This looks like an amazing read!  Unfortunately, I did not receive a copy of this book in time to include my thoughts here.  Let me know if you purchase the book what you thought of it!


About the Author of Harmful Haven


Harmful Haven


Emily Yager Inspirational Romance and Inspirational Romantic Suspense
novels set among the lakes, rivers, and north woods of Minnesota.

When Emily is not writing, she is collecting plants, listening to
music, searching for a new history book to explore, or dealing with
the dramas of a bi-polar prima donna canine and writing puppy
sidekick, Xian. She lives on the family farm in northwestern Minnesota.


More from Emily


As with all my stories. I love to integrate as much of my character heritage as possible within the story. The main character in Harmful Haven – Inessa Jo Ellingson and her family are of Russian descent. A few Russian traditions are woven in throughout the story.

Of all the little traditions that there are. One in particular makes an appearance more than anything else. A source of conversation and comfort. More often complaints from some to the other characters.

“What did you make?” Nikolai asked. “Something chocolate?”

“No, Honey mousse.”

“Ugh, again.” Her brother groaned. “Two nights in a row. Honestly. Why can’t you enjoy normal desserts like brownies and ice cream?”

Honey Mousse. A traditional Russian dessert. It’s sickly sweet. Those in my family who have a major sweet tooth, even found it too sweet for their own taste. This old dessert is definitely an acquired taste.

Go ahead and whip yourself up a batch. Sample it right along with Torian von Arx as he tries it for the first time in the story.

Enjoy it with a hot cup of Bengal Spice Tea (Or as it is known in Harmful Haven – Tiger Tea).

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, November 11

Pause for Tales, November 11

Sara Jane Jacobs, November 12

Artistic Nobody, November 13 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 14

deb’s Book Review, November 15

Splashes of Joy, November 15

Quiet Quilter, November 16

Betti Mace, November 17

Ashley’s Bookshelf, November 18

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, November 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 20

Inklings and notions, November 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 21

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 22

Texas Book-aholic, November 23

For Him and My Family, November 24

Bizwings Blog, November 24


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