Homeschool Math

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Homeschool Math
Homeschool Review Crew
Do you have a tried and true homeschool math program that you use? I love the online programs that you can use with all of your kids. That’s why I love CTCMath. They let me add all of my kids to the program for the same membership cost as I would need for a family of four kids.
We received a year subscription for our whole family of children as part of our review with the Homeschool Review Crew. For full disclosure, we have used and loved this math program for several years now. As each new child comes up to the age that we begin teaching formal subjects they always get enrolled into CTCMath!
About the Program
CTCMath offers a full math curriculum online that covers grades kindergarten through senior year in high school including calculus.
The way the program works is really very simple. For each lesson, there is a video to watch and a quiz to take. You as the parent set their pass or fail grade. If they don’t pass according to your grade then they can take it again and get an average of the scores until they pass. I find this a great way to increase mastery.
This curriculum is not common core aligned. The videos are narrated and show work throughout. My kids love listening to the videos as the teacher has a lovely Australian accent. Even with that said the version we use is the US version so it all aligns with what we would teach here.
The program is easy to navigate. As the parent, you have your own login and each student has their own login as well. From your parent portal, you can see what progress your children have made as well as assign them tasks.
Not sure where to start off a student? There are diagnostic tests that can be taken for each grade to see where they test in at. You can print off PDF versions of worksheets or simply use the videos and quizzes.
CTCMath has made so many changes over the previous years! The whole being able to assign things is one of the newer additions as are the diagnostic tests.
You can easily get detailed reports on each student through your parent portal. Because you set the pass and fail that will vary from parent to parent. One of the ways to check up is the have weekly emails sent with feedback. I have mine set to tell me a weekly progress report as well as awards and certificates.
If I want to check up more on a child and see what lessons they have passed or even done within a grade I simply click on their name within my parent portal. From there you hit detailed report and you can easily switch from one grade to another to see where they are at and if they might have missed a lesson. We used this a lot to go back and do lessons that had been added in previous grades for a few of my kids who didn’t want to leave any lessons undone.
I love how this is telling me how many attempts it took them to pass and what their first versus highest attempt was. It also tells you when they passed it so you can see if they were skipping around doing lessons or if they were going straight down the list.
And of course, my kids love that there are also games to play when their lessons are done. These games are speed skills and times tables.
Navigating within the student account is also very easy. I have my children work down each grade within each topic and then move on to the next until they complete each grade.
This makes it very easy to know where they are and what they have left to complete. The lessons are short and the quizzes also don’t contain loads of questions. I’ve found that my children normally do 2-3 lessons per day and use the program 4-5 days a week.
Our Thoughts
We can’t say enough good things about CTCMath. No, really we can’t. I don’t think I have one bad or negative thing to say about the program. We’ve been using it for years and have gone through several updates with the program. Each update just makes it better!
In our home, the program is being used by children from ages kindergarten up through my oldest who is starting her junior year this fall. We use this as our main curriculum for math and supplement as we need to if a lesson isn’t being understood.
My passing grade for the kids is 90%. They can take a quiz as many times as they need to to get that passing grade. This is a mastery program and as such, I want to make sure that they have indeed mastered each concept before they move on as they will build on it.
Homeschool math should not be something that is done with tears and fighting. I want my children to enjoy math. But I also love this program because it’s hands-off. Unless they have a question I can be helping another student with something else while they work through their math.
This program can be used on any device that connects to a web browser. My children use it on the laptop and tablets. There is no way to download lessons though so you do have to be connected to an internet source.
I would love to answer any specific questions you might have about this program because we have used it for years and really love it. We’d love to help you get the most out of it and find out if it’s the best program for you.
I have children who are special needs who use this and though they may not be at the grade level they are making slow and steady progress.
Learn More
Interested in learning more about CTCMath? You can read all of the reviews about homeschool math that are linked up on the Main Blog Post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog.
They can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.
If you’d like to read some of our past reviews about homeschool math please feel free. They are linked up below. As you can see by the numbers we’ve been using this program for a matter of years. I try to not rearticulate in each review what I have said in others so I’m sure you’ll find some new and interesting information in each one.
Improved Online Math Curriculum
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