Resources for Homeschooling High School Students

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Resources for Homeschooling High School Students
Homeschool Review Crew
Ultimate Membership
Homeschooling high school students really filled me with trepidation when my children were getting older. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it or that I wouldn’t give them the right courses or enough work. Enter a division of The Old Schoolhouse® with their seemingly unending resources for homeschooling high school students. Today we’ll be chatting about their Ultimate Membership.
What do you worry about the most with homeschooling? Is it the cost of the curriculum? Is it a lack of variety of resources? Or maybe it’s simply you’re not sure what to do for each grade level? This is where comes in. They lay it all out for you. Whether you’re needing kindergarten help or resources for homeschool high school students, has you covered.
What is the Ultimate Membership?
The Ultimate Membership is a membership to that lets you have access to the entire content from preschool up through graduation. And, if I’m honest let me say for adults too because I may have done a few courses myself.
There are over 400 streaming resources available on the site. And you have unlimited access. This is something I’m not sure I’m stressing enough because they have so much information and if you have enough devices you can have all your children on a course at the same time!
Other fun things available with your membership include
- record-keeping
- parent support and resources
- scope and sequence
- printable materials
- holiday and seasonal content
- focused learning centers
Plus! Yes, there is a plus that I have to add on here. Members-only events. These are in addition to all the normal content. These events include
- Hey Mama! Bright Spot Zoom Chats
- Hey Mama! Members’ Lounge Webinars
- Storytime and Show and Tell
- Seasonal Events such as
- Art and Photography Fair
- Virtual Science Fair (March 25, 2022)
- Virtual Talent Show (May 20, 2022)
There is something for every grade, every subject, and every student. The courses last from four weeks to a full semester or year. The courses are offered to reach different learning styles as well. So while this is online content some are video-based while others are such that you print them off and do them that way. So really every learning style is covered as well.
Let’s chat about how it works.
You first purchase an account with You can choose whether you want prek-12th grade or prek-8th grade. Also up for you to decide is whether you want the monthly or quarterly or annual payment.
We have a complimentary one as we’re on the Homeschool Review Crew. Next, you log in. Once you’re logged in you have access to more resources than you’ll know what to do with at first glance.
Next, choose how you want to navigate the site. You can browse by grade level or by subject.
What I want to chat with you about today is the premade curriculum you can use. For this, you just grab the grade you want and it’s got the curriculum set up for you. Easy peasy. I love this. It makes helping my kids with school so much easier. I can just click on their grade, the subject, and immediately know where they should be. Also available is a way to bookmark pages so you can just pop right there. This is easy for kids to navigate on their own.
My Thoughts on
When I first started homeschooling I didn’t want to have computers or screens at all. I thought I could do it all on my own. I was going to create my own curriculum and homeschool all of my children in more of an unschooling way. And while we still do some of that, I can honestly say that it did not work out well for me. I became overwhelmed. And because I was overwhelmed I wasn’t a good teacher to my children.
Fast forward to now. We use screens but in moderation. I print off ‘tas much as I can so we’re not staring at screens all day long but we do use the computer in our homeschool now.
The main way we use screens is for the resources for homeschooling high school students. I found as my kids aged that it was becoming more and more difficult for me to do everything for my older kids and my younger kids at the same time. I was overwhelmed and my older kids weren’t getting as much as they needed. Enter I trust them and I knew that they weren’t going to have questionable content on their site.
High School
Since resources for homeschooling high school students was my primary reason for using the program I want to talk about the school boxes or homeschool curriculum boxes that are offered. It is super easy to use.
Click on the School Boxes and choose your grade. We use grade 11.
So you click on 11th grade and can see all of the different subjects underneath that level.
Now you choose which subject you’d like to open first.
As you can see above you’re going to download the course or curriculum guide. Then once you’re in the guide you can print it out or choose to use it solely online. We like to print it out and have the kids write on actual paper. You’re still going to be using the online portion though.
Why we’re still using online is because of the clickable links. Those are where you’re going to be getting your information and such from.
As you see it is all laid out for your student. I’ve found it is very student-driven in that you as the parent don’t have to be involved for much of the work. With younger grades, there is more parent involvement of course.
This has made homeschooling high school so much easier for me while I’m also homeschooling PreK and kindergarten all the way up to that eleventh-grade child! We have 12 children and while the youngest is only 7 months the other kids all like to do school.
Some exciting fun things to know! We love the 9th-12th grade curriculum boxes as shown above. But, soon there will be a box just for parents as well as a box for PreK! How fun is that. So, if your only child is a preschooler and you’re wanting to start them out this would be a great way to do that. You’d have everything in one click like a one-stop-shop.
As a homeschooling mom of multiple children, I am all about the curriculums that I can get and reuse. I want to get the most bang for my buck. I have to say that even if we were not members of the Homeschool Review Crew this is one membership I would want. If you do the math you save a ton by having it all right here and not having to buy multiple curriculums with consumables. Just had to throw that out there because I know I can’t be the only super frugal mom of many.
I wanted to add that there are actually more courses coming to soon! You will soon have access to Korean, Calculus, Psychology, and an updated Microsoft course. The one thing we have said love the years we would change about the site is to add more foreign languages so I’m happy to see this happening. Now fingers crossed for a few more!
They do actually have several foreign languages, but my kids really want to do German and it, unfortunately, is not offered, but as you can see French, Latin, Latvian, Spanish, and ASL are all on there plus more!
But this is a perfect time to bring up something else that is included!
With your membership, you get access to World Book. It’s an online library of more things than you can ever imagine and it’s not at your fingertips.
They have resources for the very littlest all the way up to the resources for homeschooling high school students. I don’t think we can ever use them all or get tired of using them.
Learn More
You can learn more about by reading all of the reviews linked up on the Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. They can also be found on social media via facebook, a private facebook group, twitter, Instagram, YouTube and pinterest. Some additional sites are the Magazine Facebook page, Homeschooling with Heart Blog, and The Old Schoolhouse® itself.
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