History with the Romans

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
History with the Romans
Homeschool Review Crew
Memoria Press
Do you enjoy adding history into your homeschool? We do! Lately, we’ve been doing history with the Romans using a great Memoria Press product called The Book of the Ancient Romans.
The resource is geared towards grades 6-9 but you can use it with children older than that as well. In our house, some of my kids who are younger than seventh grade have also been reading the text but not doing the student guide with it.
About the Product
From Memoria Press, we received the actual textbook of The Book of the Ancient Romans as well as the teacher guide and student workbook. You will need a student workbook for each child. The tests and quizzes are in the back of the teacher guide so those will be needed as well. The textbook can be reused by all the kids though.
Memoria Press follows the Classical Christian model of homeschooling. You will find that this is a very thorough but also more traditional model. They are family run and offered everything from math to Latin, to Eglish and grammar and history. They truly have something for everyone.
The Book of the Ancient Romans covers over 1200 years of classical history. The textbook is a Dorothy Mills book (used since the 1920’s) that has been printed through Memoria Press though it has been used for many years now. This edition includes maps as well as illustrations of famous people and battles that are significant to the Roman empire.
Teacher’s Guide
The teacher’s guide gives you all you need to teach this. To me, this curriculum is very student led. They do the reading and do the pages in their book and it’s pretty hands off for the parent.
I always check out the table of contents for every teachers guide I get from Memoria Press to help me plan out how we’re using it and when we will be tackling what so I can have any additional reading materials I want on hand. As you can see there are 26 lessons. We plan a lesson a week plus a week for the midterm so they have a few days to study and we can break up the test if we wish. And then a week for the final. That makes it a 28 week course for us.
Within the teacher’s guide are all of the quizzes, tests, as well as the answer key. These are within the student guide as well except for the answer key of course.
Student Guide
The guide contains all of the work pages for the daily bits of this curriculum. Your child will do their reading(or you can read it aloud to them, etc depending on how your child does best) and answer the questions for that lesson. There are quizzes as well as tests as well.
Our Thoughts
Let me start with saying that we love Memoria Press products. We’ve used several of their products over the years and I continue to be impressed with the quality of their products, their content, and the variety they offer. That said let’s chat about history with the Romans!
I love a good book. I’m raising readers and my kids love a good book too. You can often find them hiding somewhere with their nose buried in a book. My older kids take books out with them when they’re doing chores that require even a minute or two of wait time as well.
The Book of the Ancient Romans gives you this. It gives you a great book to read. It’s a textbook yes but it’s also a book that is going to keep your child interested. History really does come to life. And it’s not just because my kids act out lots of the scenes from it!
I have found that Memoria Press is at the grade level they suggest or even above it as well. So for this book it is for grades six through ninth. My son who is a freshman has been using it. He’s 15 and a lover of all things history. I’ve found the best way to get your kids to be excited about school is to make sure you give them something they look forward to.
For him, it’s history.
History with the Romans is more than just reading though. He also has to do the student guide. As long as I don’t judge his English and grammar too harshly he is more than happy to write and talk or act out what he has read. I find that when I let him act it out he does a lot better on the quizzes and tests. This is across the board for him. Needless to say there have been a lot of battles going on in my house lately as he enlists younger brothers to help him. They don’t complain either and are getting a history lesson taught by him.
Win win in my book!
Side note
Memoria Press sent us this cute book mark with our curriculum. I’ve been using to mark out spot in the textbook. But I do have to say I love the information included on it. I have always hated writing in books because books were almost sacred to me growing up and I wanted to keep them pristine. This carried over into my college life and I filled lots of notebooks with notes instead of marking up my textbooks.
I think this is a great resource for kids to have so they know how to properly mark books and note what is the most important parts for ease of finding when they’re studying for tests.
Learn More
You can learn more about Memoria Press and the variety of products they offer by reading all of the reviews linked up on the Main Blog Post. Reviewers were given a variety of choices so you should find something that will appeal to you from Latin, to Greeks, or to the Romans.
Memoria Press can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
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