High School Math at Your Own Pace

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
High School Math at Your Own Pace
Homeschool Review Crew
High School Math Live
At My Pace Courses (AMP)
Do you have a math course that you enjoy using in your homeschool? We had one we loved for the younger grades but getting into high school math is a new and different world for me. If you’d like some high school math at your own pace stay tuned to what we thought of the At My Pace Courses (AMP) course that we’ve been reviewing through the Homeschool Review Crew.
We received the High School Math Live course for Pre-Calculus plus Trigonometry. The course counts as a high school math credit if you complete both semesters A and B. We are using this course for my daughter who is starting her senior year of high school this fall. We intend for the course mostly to be done over the school year so it counts for credit. This is through an accredited program.
You do need the textbook for this course. It is purchased separately. We received it as part of the review, however, the course book is chosen as one that will be easy to find and purchase.
About the Math at your own Pace
I have heard of things titled At My Pace Courses (AMP) before but I’d never researched them or used them with any of my children.
Courses are offered for purchase by semester. One semester can be used for remediation or both semesters can be used to get the full course credit for that subject.
There are preparedness tests that can be taken to ensure you choose the right course for your child. We chose Pre-Calculus plus Trig for my daughter because she had already done both Algebra courses and Geometry through other math programs. I’ll chat more about what we thought of this course and how it compares below.
The course is yours until the final exam is taken or until you’ve had access for a year. To do the course, which is primarily online, you will need a textbook. The textbook was provided for us as part of the review but normally you must purchase your own.
As for the online portion, let’s chat about how that works.
The online portion is taught in lessons that range from 30-45 minutes each by a teacher. It is taught as if she is teaching on a whiteboard in a classroom. The screen shows you the problems as she explains and works them while also giving you the voice as well. Each class has their own teacher. The teacher is available for help throughout the course as well as offering up to 2.5 hours of personal tutoring to the student.
As this is a course done at your own pace the videos can be paused and played whenever needed. I love this aspect as it allows you to replay and rewatch lessons if you have something you’re struggling to understand.
Each course has approximately 35 lessons, each lesson has a homework assignment and then there are 17 assessments plus one final exam. Everything is turned in and graded through the program so parent involvement with that is none.
Your child will be given a transcript at the end of the course. Grades are made up of 60% tests and quizzes for 40% of the grade. If the course is not finished before the course ends a grade of incomplete will be given.
Parent involvement is needed to make sure that the student turns in all assignments and for testing. The parent needs to make sure the tests are administered correctly and that the student doesn’t have access to them prior to testing time.
Set up
The class is set up so that you watch the video and then go to a One Note file that has all of the extras in it. It shows how to work the problems and gives answers as well. This is particularly helpful for looking over if they missed something during the teaching portion. Plus I think it helps to see it there where you can copy and try to solve and then see exactly where you may have tone wrong.
In your coursework where you click on videos, you can also click on a notes section. It’s basically a paper you can print out that helps you take notes. We found this helpful.
Grades are also found through the One Note file. This was my first experience with One Note and it did take us a while to get used to using it and finding everything.
There is also a syllabus that lines out the best way to do the course as well. We chose to print it and then kept a notebook of our pages that we printed as well for reference for when we needed to study for the quizzes and tests.
Our Thoughts
This is definitely different than we’ve ever done before. Having teacher involvement is wonderful. Also, I do have to say that there was quite a bit of confusion at the beginning of the course where I had troubles logging in and viewing work. My daughter did not have her own email address so that meant that she was also using mine. I think this added to the confusion and recommend having separate email accounts if possible.
There is a lot of information and it takes a while to familiarize yourself with how to use this program. You need the notes and the videos and the textbook. If you’re not used to balancing all of those, it does take a while to get into that routine so that it doesn’t take hours a day.
Once we got into a routine we could finally start using the program as it should be. It did take us several weeks to get it all figured out. I think most of that was user error just because we’re not used to using all of the technology. I’d never used One Note before this course and my daughter really hasn’t done a lot on computers at all.
Watching the videos is incredibly easy!
I did have trouble finding them because I was clicking on the wrong link on the website. In addition to the AMP courses this company provides live classes as well and I had gotten the links confused.
We recommend this for an accredited and graded high school math at your own pace course. I would be interested in trying a level with my daughter who is going into pre-algebra as she is very self-motivated. You’re going to need that for this course unless you as the parent enjoy asking if they’ve done their math and following up on it as well.
Learn More
You can learn more about all of the AMP courses by reading all of the reviews linked up on the Main Blog Post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. They offer a variety of math courses so you can find more everything from pre-algebra to calculus. We obviously chose the pre-calc high school math at your own pace course but others offered were pre-algebra, algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and calculus.
At My Pace Courses can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.
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