Homeschool Worksheets

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Homeschool Worksheets
Homeschool Review Crew
Super Teacher Worksheets
Do you use workbooks or worksheets in your homeschool? Homeschool worksheets can get expensive to buy if you’re using them with a lot of children. I stopped buying workbooks a long time ago for this reason and went to buying digital workbooks so I could print off the number of copies I needed. But what about when you just want one or two homeschool worksheets? Or do you want them on a special subject? Or maybe you want to make your own?
Welcome to Super Teacher Worksheets! They’re here to help you in your homeschool journey. We received a one-year subscription to Super Teacher Worksheets through the Homeschool Review Crew. I’ve been having fun playing around with their program and seeing just what all they have on their site. I was impressed with the variety. The amount astounded me though. There is really a little bit of everything and anything you might ever need on here!
About Super Teacher Worksheets
Super Teacher Worksheets offers a yearly membership or subscription that allows you to have access to 20,000 printable PDFs. These PDFs cover all subjects as well as seasonal holidays and activities. They are geared for grades kindergarten through fifth grade. New content such as games, flashcards, and more worksheets are often added as well.
Fast face! Memberships to the site are yearly and the price is $24.95 per year with unlimited downloads. This is the best friend of large families!
Just a few of the subjects you’re going to find here are:
- Math -everything from recognizing numbers to early addition and all the way up to geometry. Plus some good problems solving Math worksheets as well.
- Reading Comprehension- work on reading comprehension by grade level through fun questions and vocab
- Phonics- letter sounds, word families, blends and sight words learned through puzzles, mini books, and fun
- Early Literacy- learn the alphabet, build sentences,
- Grammar- parts of speech and sentence structure
- Spelling Lists- premade spelling lists plus fun activities for learning
- Reading and Writing- handwriting(both print and cursive) plus writing prompts and how-tos for things like letter writing.
- Chapter Books- bring on all the fun chapter books and activities like word search and puzzles!
- Science- animal groups, the human body, the solar system, and so much more!
- Social Studies- government, presidents, and so much more covering history
- PreK and Kindergarten- learning readiness like scissor skills, tracing, etc.
- Holidays- have a day you want to celebrate? Check these out like Dr Suess day, 100th day of school, etc.
- Puzzles and Brain Teasers- favorite category! How fun are these. My kids love doing these for fun.
- And best of all— Make your own! I’ll chat more about this in a minute.
Make your own
Okay, I said I’d chat about this. You have access to a worksheet generator. With this worksheet generator, you get to make your own worksheets! How cool is that!? I found this to be particularly helpful with needing worksheets to go with our book or Bible studies as well as making a few for older kids who need some helpful notetaking study sheets.
Other fun things you can do is make your own spelling lists, math worksheets, etc. Anything that your child is struggling with you can make them their own personalized homeschool worksheets to help them get the most of that subject.
This is probably the neatest little thing about this site. I love it! Though I haven’t used it as much yet (we’re not in full school mode) I’m sure I’m going to be using this for spelling lists for my children this year. We never seem to use the ones that you can find for free online. I love to give them words from what we’re reading in our read-aloud books or the books they’re studying in their literature study.
Our Thoughts
I cannot wait to start our “real” school year and utilize more of these! I’ve already printed off several of the historical ones to help us when we start. We’re doing early US history and there are some good ones.
Things that we’ve already been using are ones for the PreK and Kindergarten levels mostly. My younger crew that are doing school are 3 and 6. We are not required in our state to start actual homeschool and record-keeping until they’re 7 so we just do a lot of fun things until then. But they love to ask and do their own school.
This gives me some great things that are teaching them while they have fun. Things like using scissors and glue (one of their favorites) and coloring!
Each week I’m working through a letter with my 3-year-old. So for A week, I printed off five different activities for the letter A. Each day she’d get one to work on and a coloring page of the letter A. Yes, she colored five different letters of A’s. And then we took the one she thought was her best and put it in a binder where we are keeping all of her letters.
Some of the pictures we found for her to color are more advanced than she’s ready for but it’s good to see a variety of letter A’s.
It’s a review for my 6-year-old as we gear up for school starting in September so he’s doing a letter a day. We’re using the fun upper and lower case coloring books plus some activities of letter recognition for him like this color the apples with the letter A.
He loves coloring books! They’re super fun. We printed off both the upper and the lower case books. We chat about the letter, he then colors the letter, and then he gets to practice writing the letter. There are a few to trace and then several to write. So each day he gets to do one page for upper case and one page for the lower case for each letter. And then of course I print off some fun activities too.
Learn More
You can learn more about Super Teacher Worksheets and all of their amazing homeschool worksheets by reading all of the reviews linked up on the Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew website. Super Teacher Worksheets can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
We have received this great resource before and I’d love it if you’d check out those reviews too. You can find them Here and Here.
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