A New Favorite Preschool Book

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
A New Favorite Preschool Book
Homeschool Review Crew
Focus on the Family
We are always reading here in our house. It’s a favorite pass time for all, young to old. Whether they can read on their own or not, books are always in our hands here. A New Favorite Preschool Book entered our house thanks to the Homeschool Review Crew and Focus on the Family. Otter B Free is a cute little read with some good values.
About the Book
Otter B Free is written by Pamela Kennedy and Anne Kennedy Brady. It is illustrated by Aaron Zenz. This Otter B book is part of a series that focuses on godly character traits for kids.
The book we received, Otter B Free is the 9th book in the Otter B series. It’s a summery book and focuses on the 4th of July. We feel it’s a good year-round read though.
All of the Otter B books have cute little animals. At the end are a rhyme and a scripture passage. I love that they include scripture in their books for kids.
Our copy of the book is a hardcover. It is 23 pages long. The illustrations are very colorful and bright to attract attention.
The main theme in this book is freedom. While it brings the 4th of July as one example it also brings true freedom in God as another example.
Some of the other characters besides Otter B (who is an otter) you also get introduced to Tabitha Tortoise, Rosco Raccoon, Franklin Frog, and Felicia Fox. We loved meeting them all and can’t wait to find another book in the series to read!
Our Thoughts on a new favorite preschool book
I love reading to my kids. There is nothing like it. Seeing their faces as they listen to an adventure and get taken along for the ride. I love seeing their imaginations take flight and seeing them fall in love with a book.
I can safely say that we’ve found a new favorite preschool book to be read in our house. My preschooler is three years old and loved this book! I love that the book is a good book and not one that makes me cringe knowing I’m going to be reading it five times in a row.
The character trait that this book focuses on is true freedom in Christ. It shows this through a fourth of July parade and the races that happen there. Otter B really wants to win but his friend always does. When she gets hurt he thinks he’ll stand a chance but he learns some great lessons along the way.
I’ve already added some of the other Otter B books to our wishlist for Christmas. I love to give good books to my kids as part of their presents. We don’t do a lot of presents but books are always one of them!
Other character traits that you’ll find are Kind, Honest, Trustworthy, Taking Turns, Brave, and more! If you like to incorporate character traits and good values into your read-aloud time then this book is perfect.
I love the rhyme and scripture at the end. The rhyme is a cute one to memorize.
“Being independent means
That you are truly free:
Free to help, to love and care.
It’s how you Otter Be!”
Learn More
You can learn more about A New Favorite Preschool Book in our home by reading all of the reviews from other Crew reviewers. They are all linked up on the Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew blog.
Tyndale House, the publisher of Otter B Free, can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Thank you for your review!:)
Erin S.
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