Get Creative with Wooden Blocks

Get Creative with Wooden Blocks
Homeschool Review Crew

About the Product
Here is a great video explaining how to use wooden planks and some of the fun ways you can get creative with wooden blocks. My kids have been loving all the fun they’re having with the blocks! Make sure to check out the Brain Blox YouTube channel for lots of fun videos on how to use their blocks and fun things to build.
They’re also working on some curriculum and fun homeschool activity type things so stay tuned for those!
My boys especially are in love with these blocks. We received a box with 200 wooden planks in it. It came with a nice red carrying bag for putting all the planks in when not in use as well as a little pamphlet with some fun designs to try.
These seem to be very sturdy and we have not had one break yet. That sounds silly to some probably but I have 11 kids who can be very hard on toys and playthings just by the sheer amount of use they get. All of my kids have taken turns playing with them and the eleven-month-old has even been caught chewing on a few planks. My toddler loves to knock down other people’s creations and this has not resulted in a single splinter yet!
Brain Blox wooden planks are recommended for ages four through one hundred and four. I can say that my two years old really likes building stacks at the wall and my littlest loves to knock them over and chew on them.
Bonus photo above because it’s the cutest and taken by my eight years old. Just a way of showing they stand up to little ones!
Our Thoughts
We loved the pamphlet with creative uses for the blocks. My kids made every last thing it offered a design for at least once.
A fun thing we did was use the blocks to make letters and shapes. This was for my six-year-old daughter and my three-year-old son. They’re working on learning their letters and numbers. It’s always fun and makes it more memorable if you can do something with your hands to help learn.
My boys are already asking if we can get another box for Christmas so they can make bigger and better things. So my only suggestion of making it better would be a large family box option where I could buy say 600 at a time because when you get several kids trying to build at once you might get a scuffle or two wanting to use blocks that are in use with someone else. They definitely had to work on sharing and patience when everyone wanted to build at the same time.
Fun Creations
Getting creative with wooden blocks is still in full swing. It started the day the box was opened and really hasn’t slowed down. Our bag has one strap that broke off already just from sheer use. But that’s okay as the blocks are rarely ever in the bag for long.
So many creations have been made! I have to say my personal favorite was this fun robot my oldest son made.
His face is so cute and it’s hard to believe it can just come together so nicely with a set of wooden planks!
Another fun construction was a train. I had two boys do the train so you get treated to two pictures of those. You can tell, or I can tell, who created what by which room the pictures are taken in! My youngest and oldest boy have the train table in their room so that’s why it gets used in some photos.
I loved watching my kids start to veer away from the actual instructions that came with the wooden planks. To watch them get creative with wooden blocks was so much fun. Hopefully, I’m not boring you with all the pictures but I could not just choose one or two. They made so many creations I just had to share them! Don’t worry there are tons that I’m not going to show you!
Ready for more?
Another fun thing they did and were greatly excited to show me as soon as they were done was their trucks. You can see the pamphlet in the background with fun things to create with their wooden planks.
My girls even got in on the building once the boys were ready to share the blocks a bit. My oldest son made the first tower and then two of the younger girls combined forces to make one like it when his came crashing down. I love that these blocks can be used by both boys and girls of all ages and interests.
A ship was made that was impressive but sadly a toddler got to it before a picture could be taken. Such is the life of having younger siblings. It makes you try again and take more time to get creative with wooden blocks.
In Conclusion
We love these blocks and greatly recommend them. I can’t say enough good things about them. My kids are still playing with them even after the new has worn off. I think they’ll be well used and well-loved and last a long time. These are the sort of toy that I can see passing down to the next generation.
I find that it is really hard to get toys that last and can be passed down. One of my missions in buying toys for my children is that it’s not plastic and that it will last. I think Brain Blox has a great start in making our Christmas list every year as they seem to be promoting and producing lots of great toys for children that are made of wood and that will last. They have our vote for best toy company of the year!
Also, I really like that their products are educational. We can use these for school. They’re great for counting, they’re great for sorting out and using as math manipulatives for doing beginning math. But really they’re great for the mind. They teach you to be creative and think outside the box. And as we showed above they’re great for making letters, numbers, and shapes.
We hope you enjoyed seeing us get creative with wooden blocks and that I haven’t overloaded you with photos! Of course, that won’t stop me from adding just one more!
I’d definitely take that chair or deck in adult versions and love the little bridge! Now go get your family a set and start to get creative with wooden blocks too! It’ll be a great fit for winter boredom.
Learn More
You can learn more about Brain Blox and their Wooden Building Planks by visiting them or by reading all of the fun reviews linked up on the Main Blog Post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. They can also be found on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.
As a fun side note, you can read my review of Brain Blox Fun Family Chess set too! Such a great company with lots of fun products.
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