Online Theology Course

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in
exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I
compensated in any other way.
Online Theology Course
The Unbreakable Faith Course
Pilgrim’s Rock, LLC
Homeschool Review Crew

The furthest thing from my mind when I started reviewing the curriculum was that I would participate in an online theology course. It never would have crossed my radar. Theology is not something that I’ve spent a lot of time studying. I read my Bible, devotionals, etc but I’ve never set out just to learn and do an online theology course. The course I was given two years of access to is from Pilgrim’s Rock, LLC. This course is titled The Unbreakable Faith Course.
For this course, I was sent two books. These are the textbooks though they more resemble two reading books about medium novel length. Other than the two books everything is online within a course. Once you have access to the online course it guides you through the course. It has to be taken in order. There are videos to watch and quizzes to take plus of course reading the books that come with the course. I received physical copies of the books though they could also come via PDF format as well.
About the Course
The Unbreakable Faith Course was designed for being a sound theological resource to prepare our children for going out into the world. With this course, they will be prepared for what college can bring. So many young people go to college and lose their faith. This is because they don’t really KNOW what they believe but rather just know the answers they have been taught. With this course, they are being taught how to think and to learn the information on their own.
The online course consists of 38 videos plus quizzes to be taken. In addition to that are two books that are to be read with the course. If completed by a teenager in high school it can be used for one high school credit. The recommended length of the course is to be 36 weeks or less so approximately it can be done in one semester.
This is a self-paced course. That means you work through it at your own pace and decide for yourself how quickly or slowly to move. That said, there is a suggested syllabus with what to do when and a breakdown of the course that can be found and used as a loose schedule.
The Online Portion
As I mentioned above, the online portion contains 38 videos. These are divided up into six sections. Within each section are several videos. The videos range from 10-15 minutes long normally. I found that the videos were easy to listen to and not distracting. The graphics were good and I loved the music.
In order to move on with the course, you must watch the videos in order. They will not unlock until you get have finished the one prior. This way it keeps you on track and moving in the right direction so as not to become confused.
This course really delves into the information and gives you a ton of it. The books also have loads of information in them.
The two books that accompany this course are titled God The Reason and The Box.
God the Reason is by Craig Biehl. The full title is God The Reason, How Infinite Excellence Gives Unbreakable Faith. This is a rather thick book compared to the other book for the course. It is 281 pages long. Within the course, you will be told where and how much of this book to read as it goes along with the videos.
The Box, Answering the Faith of Unbelief by Craig Biehl is the second book that goes with this course. This book is one for you to read before beginning the course or read the entire book as you watch the introduction videos. It is shorter than the other book and easy to read. This book reads quickly and easily. The author writes well and engages the reader.
What does it teach?
This course teaches your child or yourself how to defend the Christian faith. It shows that the Christian faith is reasonable and consistent with scientific evidence. Through this, you can then stand up in a classroom and defend your faith as well as Christianity.
Our Thoughts
Through this course, I have learned something about myself. I am much better at learning things like this from reading and writing by hand than listening and doing quizzes on a computer. While I did learn from listening and viewing the videos I found that I retain things better by reading them. I did go back and rewatch videos and take notes and that really seemed to help me.
My plan with getting this course is to have my son and daughter who are in high school work through the course. They had a full course load this semester so I thought that this would be a good course to have them work through this summer. One is 15 and one is 13. I feel that this would be a good fit for them when they do do the course though I am also going to make sure that I or their father are around after they watch each video to discuss it all. A big part that I feel would help make the course more effective is having a discussion session.
As for a discussion, there is a forum on the site that says news forum but I have yet to see anything posted there. I think going forward this would be a great place to have open discussions and to have questions answered.
There is an option of a live video chat during office hours with Craig Biehl. I have not used this option yet. I think this would be a great option to use when my children are taking the course so that any questions they have that I might not feel confident in answering could be asked there.
Final Thoughts
Overall, I think this is a great course and that it lives up to and possibly exceeds my expectations. I have not finished the course yet as I am taking quite a bit of time to take notes and really delve into and understand each of the sections.
I recommend this course. It seems to me to be a great course for everyone to take but especially for those about to leave the safety of the community they’ve grown up in and head off to college.
Learn More
You can learn more about this online theology course by reading all of the blog posts from members of the Homeschool Review Crew by going to THIS POST which is the main blog post. Pilgrim’s Rock, LLC can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.
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