Critical Thinking with Math and Logic

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in
exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I
compensated in any other way.
Critical Thinking with Math and Logic
Homeschool Review Crew
The Critical Thinking Co.™

Mastering Logic and Math Problem Solving teach how to use critical thinking while working through logic and math. This book can be ordered as a physical book or an ebook though the ebook only works with windows. We received the physical format for our review. It is geared towards grades six through nine so a junior high/early high school target range. That being said, you can use it with older I would think very easily. Some younger students also might be able to use this book. I have a girl who will be ten this November who easily did several pages in this book.
About the Program
Mastering Logic and Math Problem Solving physical book is geared for grades 6-9 but you can fudge that up or down a bit depending on the child. The book works to teach children to use their critical thinking skills to work through problems involving logic and math.
There are ten chapters within this book of problems for the student to do. Plus there are two appendices and a bonus activities section. The answers to the problems are also at the back of the book.
At the beginning of the book, there is an introduction and a section on how to use the book plus an about the author section. There is also a section on general problem-solving strategies to help your student learn how to work through problems. There are a total of 180 pages within this book.
The questions do offer some tips and tricks within them to help the problem be solved even if you’re not sure where to start.
Our Thoughts on the Book
I love teaching my children how to think so that they can then solve things on their own. Logic is definitely something that I feel we should be teaching in our homeschool not just how to memorize the time’s tables. That’s why I have always loved this company. They make critical thinking and using logic a central theme.
Another of our favorite things about this company is that they have a great reproducible policy which says I can use the same book over and over by copying the pages. So for this review, I did make copies of the pages. Another way we’ve done this before is to have everyone read the problems in the original book and then have them put their work and answers in a separate notebook.
The main student I had using this book is my oldest son who is 13. He is just finishing his 9th-grade year this month and loves all things math. He really likes word problems and things that require him to use his brain. I love this about him and wanted to give him something challenging to do over the summer. This fits the bill!
Another one using the book is my 9-year-old daughter. She’s mostly doing 5th and 6th-grade level work right now but reads above that. This was a good exercise for her to work through as it forces her to slow down her reading speed to make sure she’s reading for comprehension and picking the key elements out of the problems.
We have loved this book and it will definitely remain on our shelf for the years to come. I foresee lots of kids choosing and having fun working the problems in it this summer while it’s hot in the afternoons. I require my children to do the math and reading all year round so this will fit the bill perfectly!
Learn More
You can learn more about The Critical Thinking Co.™ and all the products they offered for this crew review by going to the Main Blog Post and reading all of the linked blog posts. Since there were different products to review look for the keyword Logic on the link descriptions to read more reviews about this particular product. The Critical Thinking Co.™ can also be found on social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
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