Bible Audio Adventures

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Bible Audio Adventures
Homeschool Review Crew
The Adventum
Do you like to listen to audio adventures? My kids love a good audio tale when we’re driving. Most places for us are at least an hour’s drive which means lots of time to listen to a good tale. It’s also a great time to listen to some Bible audio adventures. The Adventum offers just that, a Bible audio adventure for your listening pleasure!
We received a physical CD set of The Adventum, Volume 1. This means there are more volumes to come and we can’t wait to get them in our hands and our van soon.
About The Adventum
The Adventum, Volume 1 is offered as both a physical set and a digital download. We received the physical set but I think the download would be great if you have a child that likes to listen to things on an MP3 player or phone. Only one of my children has something like that and it was just obtained recently, so we opted for the physical CD set so that everyone could listen. ]
This is a four-CD set. Each CD is approximately an hour in length. It comes in a nice case with plastic sleeves to protect the discs. They are produced by Wise King Media. That sounds like a “wise” idea to me! Okay, so my jokes aren’t that funny. With a mission statement like “to provide Biblically-based, Christ-centered audio adventures that entertain, educate and strengthen the faith of Christian families.” you know that it is going to be great. Or at least I was hopeful.
The Adventum, Volume 1 is not just someone reading the Bible aloud. It is more of a dramatization of the stories of the Bible in chronological order. Volume 1 covers everything from “the beginning” up to Jacob and Isaac. There are currently four volumes that take you up to Joshua and the Israelites.
Our Thoughts on Bible Audio Adventures
First, we love listening to audiobooks when we’re driving. It helps keep my people from getting restless. When they are listening to something they are less likely to fight or ask fifty thousand times if we’re there yet. Ask me how I know, or don’t, because it’s painful.
I knew from the description that this wasn’t simply going to be listening to someone read the Bible but I wasn’t sure how it was going to go.
Was it going to be enjoyable?
Would it hold the kids’ attention?
What were the voices going to sound like?
We were all pleasantly surprised when we started listening to it. The voices(are they still called voice actors) were wonderful and truly conveyed the story through their words. They made it so you could see what was happening in your mind which is the hallmark of a great book or audio drama in this case. And it’s not just people talking. There are also sound effects and music as well to help accentuate the story being told.
There are 20 stories in this volume. As I mentioned above they take you through Abraham or rather the last story is titled “playing favorites” and chats about Jacob receiving Isaac’s blessing. What I didn’t mention was that they kind of leave you hanging. Because you want to know what happens next! Of course, we know what happens next because we’ve read the Bible but we didn’t hear them make it happen.
Needless to say, I’m probably going to buy all the other volumes and wrap them up for Christmas for my kids. Except, do we really want to wait that long? I don’t think so. Hmm, Labor Day gifts anyone?
Ready to learn some more?
Age range? For us, we had the whole family listening to them as we drove so kids ages 1(who didn’t really listen because she’s one after all) all the way up to my 17-year-old and myself. My three-year-old and six-year-old were listening intently to the stories so I think they’re.z.;;p0′ fine for a three or almost-four-year-old.
How could you work this into your homeschool?
You could easily use this for Bible time, or count it as history. As I mentioned, we used it for car rides but I could see it being a read-aloud time listen as well if I didn’t feel like reading. Or listening to it when you were eating.
Learn More
Ready to learn more about The Adventum, Volume 1 and what other reviewers thought of it? Simply click over to the Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew blog where you will find them all linked up. The Adventum can also be found on Facebook.
Think you might want to get your own copy of The Adventum, Volume 1? For right now they are offering a discount code! Enter code advcrew22 to get free shipping! Currently, there is no expiration on this code and volume 1 is 50% off!
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