Favorite Bedtime Stories #hsreviews

Kinder Cottage Review
Did you have a favorite bedtime story as a child or perhaps I should say favorite bedtime stories if you’re like me and made your parents read you more than one?  A book that your parents had to read you over and over and over again?  Until they had it memorized and so did you?  Now that I’m a parent and not the child, I look at those stories differently.  Sometimes I really don’t know that I want to read THAT book again.  But recently we got to review two books from Kinder Cottage Publishing and my thoughts on bedtime stories changed a bit.   We received two little hardback children’s books, How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea and When Peter Rabbit Went to School.


Howard and Ann Gloss began Kinder Cottage Publishing in 2012 for the purpose of making sure their children were instilled with values and a love of their rich heritage.  The company focuses on Christianity, history, culture, and literature pertaining to the Western Civilization.  Their main goal is to provide materials for parents to use with their children to train and instruct them in the way that they should go.  

I grew up reading stories of Peter Rabbit.  My grandmother was a WWII war bride from England and she would read me the British version with her wonderful accent.  These are memories I hold dear now that she has left this Earth.  But let me introduce you to another side of Peter Rabbit.  His adventures didn’t stay in England, but rather he crossed the big pond just as my dear grandmum did and you can read his American journeys too complete with Mr MacGregor!  


Kinder Cottage Review
How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea follows the tale of Peter as he voyages out to sea.  It is 64 pages long and can be purchased for $4.oo.  For me that isn’t a huge amount of money, but not exactly a penny either.  I like to weigh the cost against the gain with any books we purchase.   I would have to say if I had purchased this book instead of just receiving it to review, that it was worth far more than the cost.  If you looked at our book shelf right now, you would not find this book.  I know this for sure.  Go ahead and peek if you’re close.  Nope not there.  If it’s bedtime you’ll find it on someone’s bed where they were reading it right before lights out.  If it’s during the day you can find one of my nine with their nose in it.  You see, simply put, this is a family favorite.  I’ve read it so many times that my three year old can “read” it to me now as well.   The original version of this book was published in 1917. 

Oh dear, I must say this one made me want to not leave my children if I ever needed to go to the store.  Really.  I’m sure mine would get into just as much or more mischief than poor Peter Rabbit.  Playing pirate is one thing, but it’s entirely another when you get a little boat.  And when that boat meets up with Granddaddy Whale and Mean Mr Shark you know you’re in trouble.  Too bad Peter managed to fall out of the boat and onto Granddaddy Whale!  Oh and poor Cotton Tail at home waiting crying as she’s particularly fond of Peter.  But we were glad that Peter didn’t stop to visit with Johnny Crab and had the sense to trick Sammie Sea Gull into letting him down so he could go home to his family.  Family is very important you know and we should never leave home on our own.


Kinder Cottage Review
When Peter Rabbit Went to School is another great adventure with dear Peter.  It can be purchased for $4.00 and it is 56 pages long.  It was written in 1921 by Duff Graham for the Henry Altemus Company.  Kinder Cottage Publishing has modernized the words in the book so that the children of today can read and understand them, but left the story intact.  In total they have taken 10 books and republished them so that the children of today may enjoy the classics of yesteryear.  They are all available with the original artwork and in hardback form.

As we went to school with Peter we learned never to go too near the rim of a well or you might fall in!  Who knows but mayhap Mr McGregor might dump you out of the well bucket too or you might have to stay in the deep dark well forever!  Oh and always answer present when the teacher does attendance.   An answer of here just is not the same.   They already knew that we don’t eat carrots during lessons.  Really you could stain all your books orange!  But most importantly, never wander off into the woods over recess, or you might get caught by naughty boys, be afraid on a pony, and be treated to a nice ride in a cart with a sweet girl. But eventually you will get back to school.

Every young child has dreams of going to school and begins with some fear and trepidation of the day.  What a better way to show them that school should not be scary but fun than to introduce Peter Rabbit to school and allow them to travel along for the journey!


Kinder Cottage Review
These books are perfect for young children, specifically ages 3-9, which miraculously I have a houseful of!  You see my oldest is 9 and quite the voracious reader.  Upon the books arriving in our home she promptly sat down and read them.  She then passed them on to her brother who also read them.  It was only after these   two had read the books that I was allowed to see them!  Once I was given the books I sat all the children down and read them out loud.  They all sat and listened in rapt silence.  They have long loved Peter Rabbit and the stories of his escapades.  After my reading them, at least once(more like ten to twenty) times a day I had to read these books or one of my older readers had to read them aloud to the younger children.  I do believe I can quote these two by memory now.  We may have to find some of the others so that we can enjoy a new read!


I do want to put in a side note that you can purchase the entire set of 10 Peter Rabbit books from Kinder Cottage Publishing for $30.00 which is a better deal than buying them separately.  Yes I am a frugal homeschooling mom and felt I should share that with you!

There are 10 different stories and the Crew Review team did have a choice of which we reviewed, so if you would like to hear more about the other 8 please pop on over to the Main TOS Blog Post and visit some of the other reviews! 

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  1. Char W.

    My kids favorite bedtime story is the Hungry Caterpillar. Of course they said that dad reads it best. 🙂

    1. Erin S.

      Well I’m sure you read it well too! I have to say I don’t think we even own that one.

  2. Jessi

    Such cute books, and that price for the whole set is amazing

    1. Erin S.

      I know! Awesome price for this many kid books.

  3. Kandi

    I loved reading Peter Rabbit as a kid. These books sound really good!

    1. Erin S.

      They are! Perfect for beginning readers too as they have made them into modern language.

  4. Krista B

    I feel like I am admitting something crazy here: I didn’t realize there were so many Peter Rabbit books! I always just new the first one as a kid!

    1. Erin S.

      I know! I read a lot of the others that went with Peter Rabbit like Jemima Puddleduck but didn’t know Peter got to have so many adventures!

  5. Amberm

    I loved being read to as a kid and now my kids love being read too! I really think they would love these books! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Erin S.

      I’m sure they would. Being read to is such a great memory and really is good for developing the mind.

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