Online Reading Games {Homeschool Review Crew}
Online Reading Games
Homeschool Review Crew

Do your kids love to read? Or do they maybe struggle to read? Would some online reading games make all the difference? That’s where we were at. I have a nine year old boy who just wasn’t all that interested in reading. Oh he could read if he wanted to but most of the time he didn’t want to. Enter Reading Eggs and their Reading Eggspress. We received a six month subscription for two of our children through the Review Crew and they both are in love!
About Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs is the parent company name but they have several sub products to be used with your children depending on age. For my youngest(other than the toddler at age 16 months) who is four years old the Reading Eggs Junior is for ages two to four and is a great start for those who haven’t done any reading work yet or who maybe have a little alphabet knowledge. She also was a good fit for the main Reading Eggs which is for ages three through seven. Because they overlap it’s easy to try out both and see which fits better. I have often used terms like “she’s a young seven” or “she’s an old five” for describing kids because each one can be so different in what they are able to do.
Reading Eggspress is more for those who can read and need that extra boost or ages seven through thirteen roughly grades one through six. My son using this is age 9 grade two or three. Along with our six month subscription to Reading Eggs we also have access to MathSeeds. It’s a fun math program set up much the same way that Reading Eggs is.
A fun thing that came up while we were reviewing are the homeschool parent guides that you can download from the parent dashboard. They are available for grades kindergarten, first, and second currently. You can download or print them off. It’s a cute little program showing what to use with your child for 36 weeks. Covering all the important subjects it uses Reading Eggs and MathSeeds plus adding other subjects so you have a whole curriculum to use. It’s amazing! I am not using this as I already have a full curriculum that I’m using with all my kiddos together so this is not needed at this point in time. I can see this being amazing for a new homeschool mom or one who hasn’t already planned out the year.
Other fun things offered are some fun printables that you can print out and work on away from the computer. These are called activity pages and located under bonus materials. We had access to maps and coloring pages.
Our Thoughts
First off my kids love anything that involves them getting to use the computer. It makes them feel all grown up I think. So they were both very excited to get to try this out. My four year old is doing a simple preschool curriculum and was greatly impressed that she was going to be allowed to do something on the computer. She felt like big stuff let me tell you. You could tell that by the fact that she insisted on wearing her princess costume and tiara in order to do her work. Three days a week. Yes, you read that right, three days a week she wore her princess dress to do her online reading games.
My son tried to hide his “coolness” about getting to do some online reading games but he too was very excited to get to do something on the computer that the other kids didn’t get to do. I love that Reading Eggspress offers different reading level readers and makes it fun. This guy can read he’s just not motivated to practice and get better at it. It’s not a learning issue so much as a stubborn boy issue. When my older son had this happening we found a book series he loved and he really took off. This guy keeps stumping me and not wanting to find a series interesting but he’s absolutely loving reading online. So we’re using this five days a week for approximately thirty minutes per day just to cement those reading skills.

Learn More
Want to learn more about all the different online reading games that your child can enjoy through the many levels of Reading Eggs? Check out all the linked up reviews over on the Main Blog Post as well as find them on social media. You can find them at facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest, and youtube. Also try this out for 4 weeks FREE yourself by using this link before November 30, 2017. I’m sure your kids would love to try out these online reading games!
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