Printable Worksheets Made Easy

Printable Worksheets Made Easy
Homeschool Review Crew
I love adding things to curriculum but making my own worksheets or questions and tests by hand is very tedious and time consuming. Printable worksheets made easy stood out to me when we were offered to review. I of course jumped at the chance for a one year subscription to Help Teaching Pro. On here you can create worksheets or tests plus print off lots of ready made and easy to use worksheets for many different subjects and grades.

About the Program
On Help Teaching Pro you have access to thousands of pieces of material grades kindergarten to 12th grade so teaching multiple ages and finding what you need is a breeze. You can click by grade or by subject/topic as well. Some of the items you have access to are printable worksheets, tests, activities, lessons, games, and access to online tests both printable or just online. Another fun feature are lessons that your child can watch and then answer the questions after online. My kids thought that was very neat and it was a great addition to what we’d been learning.
How We Used It
We have reviewed this program for printable worksheets made easy before and I knew that I would love it! And of course I do. Some of the things that we worked on were US States and their capitals, skip counting, some kindergarten math(basically counting objects and then recognizing numbers), cursive handwriting, and spelling. There are so many different worksheets and so many different subjects that it really is hard to narrow it down and choose just one or two to use. That’s why I’m glad we get access for a whole year! It’s easy to choose something new each week this way knowing that you’ll still get to use more printable worksheets made easy the next week and the next and the next.
My main way of use is to go on and find the worksheets that work with what my kids are studying. I print them off and then have my kids complete them. Sometimes I will use the tests as well though not as often. We’re not huge on testing but rather making sure the information is known. If I have a question if one child doesn’t fully understand everything and is maybe just mimicking the other I might print them off a test just so their paper is different and they have to use their own thinking caps to answer.
This year we did try out the online lessons for geography, specifically for US states and their capitals as that is something that we have been working on. I can remember learning these and really want to make sure they’re drilled into my kids as well.
Something that we’re still working on is multiplication facts for everyone. So those are the worksheets that I’ve been printing off lately. Next I’ll see if there are any lessons for this. I’d love for their to be lessons that teach the multiplication facts in song. That’s how I remember learning them and I think it would be fun for my kids to learn those too!
I’m looking forward to using some of the seasonal holidays printable as well. It’s always fun to be able to add some fun things to your curriculum around holidays without doing a full blown unit study. For larger holidays that we do do unit studies for it’s fun to have these to add and keep things interesting and different each year.
Learn More
Like what you’ve seen in my review? Curious about other grades or learning more about these fun printable worksheets made easy? Check out the Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew where all the reviewers have linked up their posts. You’re sure to find some interesting ones. Also find on facebook, twitter, and pinterest.
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