Linking Dinosaurs to the Bible

Linking Dinosaurs to the Bible
Homeschool Review Crew
If you are like us you don’t believe in evolution. You also think dinosaurs and man coexisted. So how do you teach that to your children in this day and age? Linking dinosaurs to the Bible has actually gotten easier and part of the reason is due to a course by Northwest Treasures. We received access to their Dinosaurs and the Bible as well as their course titled Taking the Mystery out of Geology.

About the Courses
The main course we’ve been using is the Dinosaurs and the Bible. It is geared towards grades 5- adult. Through a set of six lessons, a final exam, and lots of worksheets you’ll learn how linking dinosaurs to the Bible is not only possibly but plausible. We received six months of streaming these lessons and course on Vimeo for our subscription and to the best of my knowledge this is how everyone receives it. The worksheets all have answers provided. Answers are available as one single download while the worksheets can be individually downloaded.
This course contains six lessons including:
- How We Got our Modern View of Dinosaurs
- The Classification of Dinosaurs
- The Great Dinosaur Rush
- The Extinction of Dinosaurs
- Dinosaurs and the Ice Age
- Fossils, Age, and Soft Tissue
The other course that we received access to titled Taking the Mystery out of Geology is a one lesson 20 minute video to watch and learn from. It helps to explain the Flood and Ice Age from a Biblical Perspective as well as teaching 13 terms related to geology. This is also geared towards grades 5 to adult.
Northwest Treasures also offers online courses as part of the online membership to The online. This is a part of The Old Schoolhouse. While we have a subscription to their site we have not taken advantage of the Northwest Treasures curriculum. Now that we have used their curriculum we will be seeking them out to try other courses offered.

Also offered through the Northwest Treasures are physical courses. I am always a fan of physical products because I love having things in my hands because I’m a nerd that way. The Northwest Treasures Curriculum Project: Building Faith for a Lifetime of Faith offers courses for both all ages but also for the upper levels such as seventh through twelfth grade. Geology for Little Eyes focuses on the younger grades of pre-kindergarten through third. These are the ones I’ve been eyeing for my younger kids. While they did get some information from the courses we received could stand to have something geared to them.
How We Used It
Though these courses are geared towards grades 5 and up I do have to admit my younger kids have watched them as well. We watched them all together and then had discussion. Children in the correct grade range went ahead to do the worksheets and final exam while the others just had more chatting with me over the content.
Linking dinosaurs to the Bible is something we’ve studied before. I found it nice to be able to add another course to our repertoire. It’s something we love to study. No matter how many times you listen to a particular study you still pick up something new!
We were able to finish this course. I do agree with the guidelines for age unless you have a particularly advanced 4th grader or in the other direction your 5th grader might not be able to do all the worksheets well if they have troubles with learning.
After finishing the course we have gone back to view the videos just for the fun of it. Like I said, it’s easy to let something slip by you the first time. But when you go back and re-watch you are likely to pick up on something new.
Learn More
Want to learn more? Check out all the reviews linked up on the Homeschool Review Crew Blog. You can also visit Northwest Treasures on facebook and pinterest. Linking dinosaurs to the Bible has never been so much fun, neither has geology.
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