Radio for Kids

Radio for Kids
Homeschool Review Crew
Do you find yourself skipping songs on the radio station or quickly changing the station because you don’t want your kids hearing something? Radio for kids is the answer. We’ve recently gotten the chance to use Smart Kidz Radio through Smart Kidz Media. This is geared especially towards kids and only contains kid appropriate things.

Long ago we stopped listening to the radio stations I’d grown up with. I remember the exact moment it hit me. We’d been listening to country music and my son was only two but walking around singing a song. The words weren’t necessarily bad words but they were definitely not what I wanted coming out of my two year olds mouth! Since then I’ve been on the search for a perfect kids station. Obviously this type of station of radio for kids isn’t something I’m finding on the radio. Instead we’ve listened to books on cd, kids cd’s, and Christian radio stations.
About the Radio
But now that has all started to change. We recently have been reviewing Smart Kidz Radio through the Homeschool Review Crew. Smart Kidz Radio is a live streaming radio that we can access on our home computer. There is an app in the works that soon will be available to download for free so that they can be listened to on the go as well. This site allows kids to listen to music as well as fairy tales that I can access through the downloadable podcast currently.
Smart Kidz Radio is more than just radio for kids. They refer to themselves as edutainment for kids. So they are both entertainment and education all wrapped up into a neat little package.
In the works in the on demand feature. This will be a membership that gives you access to over 1000 songs plus all the fairy tales at your fingertips. No downloading required. There are also going to be Bible stories, bedtime stories, and much more added to the on demand feature that we don’t currently have access to.
The on demand feature will be $3.99 a month. You can browse what will be included. I really like that they say there will be character building songs and a section for that available as we focus a lot on character training with our children.
Our Thoughts
Currently we listen to the streaming radio music for a few hours a day. We try to stagger the time of day we listen to see what all is available. Right now I’d say they do have a limit to the songs they play as once you listen for so long you start getting repeats. But, this is something that real radio stations do as well. It’s just been forever since we’ve listened to one!
While we do not currently have access to the on demand station or the free app we have had access to podcasts which contain the stories. These are fairy tales that you can download and listen to. We are actually not huge fairy tale people. Some fairy tales are okay while others are just a bit too much twaddle for me. That being said we have listened to a few and they are well done and kept my kids attention.
Learn More
Want to hear more about radio for kids or Smart Kidz Media? Check out all the reviews linked up over on the main Homeschool Review Crew Blog or you can find them on facebook and twitter.
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