High School Latin

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in
exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I
compensated in any other way.
High School Latin
Homeschool Review Crew
Memoria Press

When I was in high school the only foreign language my school offered was Spanish. I really wanted to take high school Latin because I knew I was going into the medical field and Latin would be helpful. So, I studied an old Latin text on my own. Fast forward to now. My oldest daughter is in high school and wants to be a veterinarian. She should take Latin. Enter Memoria Press.
We received the Fourth Form Latin Complete Set from Memoria Press for review. My oldest daughter is 15 and just completing her ninth-grade year. I feel Latin is actually important for our children to learn as we do see it in a lot of our words today still. Especially within the medical field. All of our muscles and bones, etc are in Latin still and even if you don’t know exactly what something is you can make an educated guess if you know Latin.
About the Program
Memoria Press offers Latin curriculum for all ages from the smallest with their Prima to the oldest with the Fourth Form Latin. Beginners can start in several different levels but it is recommended that you complete the four forms in order as they get progressively more difficult. The Fourth Form reviews all that’s learned in forms 1-3 as well as building on them. Each student will need their own student books though the Henle books and Teacher Keys can be used again.
The Fourth Form Latin Complete Set includes:
- Henle Latin I Text
- Henle Latin I Answer Key
- Henle Latin Grammar
- Fourth Form Latin Student Text
- Fourth Form Latin Student Workbook
- Fourth Form Latin Quizzes and Tests
- Fourth Form Latin Teacher Manual
- Fourth Form Latin Teacher Key (for Workbook, Quizzes, and Tests)
- Fourth Form Latin Instructional DVDs
- Fourth Form Latin Pronunciation CD
- Fourth Form Latin Flashcards
You can also add on the streaming service if you wish for only $10 which seems amazing to me if you have good internet access. That way you can use the streaming instead of the DVDs for when you’re not at home or near a device that accepts DVDs.
Our Thoughts
Is High School Latin my daughter’s favorite subject? Absolutely not. In fact, she barely likes it at all. But she does know that it’s something that will help her in college and to achieve her dream so she does it anyway. I’m not sure I’d have quite as good of an attitude as she does. I love that she understands that this will help her.
Prior to this, she has completed the other levels of Memoria Press Latin. I think if I were to do it over again I would not have started her in the First Form until her freshman year that way she would have done Fourth Form her senior year, but this way it’s done early and she can go into some other sciences that will help her keep the knowledge fresh. We may repeat this as a follow-up or refresher course her senior year as well.
As we’ve been working through the book and I’ve looked ahead I decided that all of the extra sections will be perfect for us to use as our refresher course. She can read the lessons and then do the extras. If there is something we need more help on then she can redo the actual lessons too.
My other option is to deepen her Latin understanding by going through the Henle books now that we have finished this course. I see that Memoria Press offers Henle years II, III, and IV as well which would take her through the rest of her high school is we finish this course through the summer so she can start II in the fall.
This is an in-depth and even difficult Latin course. It really requires your student to think and memorization is involved. I don’t think I would be doing this course with a child if they did not need it for a future career. My son in the same grade is not using it as he wants to be a carpenter and doesn’t see the need. He did, however, do the Prima and Christiana levels.
I know Latin is considered a dead language but as I went through my schooling to become a nurse I was hit with just how much Latin we do use in our everyday lives and just how much knowing some parts of Latin has helped me even in my normal life. Knowing what certain parts of words mean helps to decipher the actual word!
Because I came to that knowledge I do like to have all of my children learn some Latin, maybe not high school Latin, but Prima level through Memoria Press is amazing for elementary-age children.
As the parent, I do like that there are teaching DVDs and also a pronunciation CD. This makes teaching Latin easier. Even though I have some Latin in my background it was all self-taught except for the phrases and medical words I learned in college. I also like what my younger children pick up as they listen to the instructions with their older siblings. Even if they’re not really “paying attention” so much is just absorbed by their young minds that it’s amazing.
While we follow a more Charlotte Mason approach to most of our schooling and I don’t do a lot of workbooks with my children this is one company that we stand behind. Over the years we’ve tried a lot of Memoria Press products and not a single one has made me shake my head and put it on the shelf to collect dust. I keep the teacher guides and just buy more student books as my children grow in age. They have all benefitted from this company and I’m always pleased when we get to review a new product from them.
Learn More
If you would like to learn more about Memoria Press and the other products they offered for review with the Homeschool Review Crew please check out all the reviews linked up on Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew Blog. You can also find out more about Memoria Press on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube. The other products offered for review that you will find in the blog posts are Prima, Christiana, First Form, Second Form, Third Form, and Fourth Form so even if you aren’t interested in High School Latin you still have something that might interest you.
We have reviewed other products from Memoria Press over the years so if you’d like to take a peek at those reviews they are Prima and Christiana.
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