Math Made Easy

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in
exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I
compensated in any other way.
Math Made Easy
Homeschool Review Crew

Are you struggling to teach math in your homeschool? Why not let let the stress go and simply do math made easy by CTCMath. With CTCMath you get to sit back and let a teacher virtually instruct your student in math. This program works from kindergarten all the way up through calculus. As part of the Homeschool Review Crew we received a 12 month family membership.
I have to say that we have used CTCMath for years now and love their program. One part that I really love is that they have a family membership. And this family membership doesn’t just let you have 4 kids. The default is set for five children but you can add to that without increasing your cost. We currently have nine of our eleven using this program and I’ve never had our yearly fee increased. I personally love companies who truly have a family plan.
About the Program
CTCMath offers a wide variety of math from kindergarten to calculus. Your child can begin and end their homeschool career with this program and you can sit back knowing they are learning math without stressing out.
The math lessons are taught by an online instructor. You hear his voice while the lesson is also being taught through showing of how to work the problem. He walks you through how to do the problem and why this is the way to do the program. After viewing the lesson your child will answer a section of questions. The questions are automatically graded so they know how well they did.
The videos are short. They range in length from four to nine minutes so not too long where you forget what you’re supposed to be learning! There are over 1400 different lessons.
As the parent in your teacher account you can set a pass score. If your child gets below that score then they will redo that lesson to get a check mark. Once they get your pass grade or better a check mark appears next to that particular lesson letting them know it’s mastered and they can go on to the next one.
The above screen shot shows how he has mastered some lessons and they have check marks. He tried one lesson but did not get a passing grade. His current grade is displayed. Once he retakes it the new grade will be an average of the two. If he isn’t satisfied with that grade or it’s still under passing he can keep redoing that lesson until it reaches a passable grade. You can also see which lessons he has not attempted yet.
In the parent portal you can set up assignments for your child or you can let them work through the program at their own pace.
Parent Portal
Let’s chat about the parent portal since I keep alluding to all the fun things you can do there. Within your parent portal you can see all of your students. You also can see when they logged in, what lessons they viewed, what lessons they completed, and how they are doing with all their lessons. Also in here you can assign them lessons.
A newer feature in the parent portal is the worksheet generator. This is the Question Bank Wizard which you can access from your taskbar. Here you go in and choose what lessons you want to include. If you choose to make it an online question bank then you simply choose how long they can work on it as well.
There are also now printable questions in the weekly revision sections as well. I love that this has been added so we can print stuff off to take with us on days when we won’t have internet access.
A new section to me that has actually been there a few years is the task section. Normally I would just let my children do their own work. As long as they were working through their grade I wouldn’t assign them anything besides that they should do 1 lesson a day and at least 5 lessons a week.
As my children are getting older I am seeing that I need to make sure they meet requirements for their courses, especially the ones in high school, and this means I need more of a record of their math. For this I assign them so many lessons per week and then I can go in and check on their progress.
Another spot in the parent portal allows you to choose if you want to receive progress emails. There are two sections you can check which are weekly progress reports and also awards. I like to have both on to remind me to go in and check on my children’s progress.
Each child gets their own login. They have their own username and password. From the parent portal you can also switch into student mode and get into their accounts that way as well to check up on anything you want to see.
My kids love having their own logins and being responsible for their own accounts. It also helps keep them a bit more accountable to their schoolwork because they can’t say you didn’t give them their book or assignment. They go into this knowing exactly what is expected of them.
Student Account
Since each child has their own login they also have their own account. And in their own account they can customize their colors which my kids find to be awesome. They don’t all want to have a white background and black letters of course. It’s also super easy to navigate by clicking grade and then which lesson you’re wanting to do.
But it’s not just all lessons.
There are fun games within their CTCMath accounts too. My kids love to use the Times Table game where they get to shoot the right answers. The other game is speed skills where they get to practice giving the right answer and doing so quickly.
Other fun incentives are the gold, silver, and platinum levels that they get to earn with their grade percentages.
What’s Covered
Math made easy is a true statement with this curriculum. I’ve said that it covers kindergarten through calculus but below is a break down that shares more of what math concepts are going to be taught.
- Basic Math
- Elementary Measurement
- Elementary Geometry
- Pre Algebra
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Trigonometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Calculus
I honestly think this is going to give my high school students a more thorough math background than I had before I went to college after being public schooled.
This curriculum is also not common core aligned.
Our Thoughts
If you keep reading to the bottom of this review I have linked to the previous four reviews that we have done for the company. And in between I have purchased the curriculum for our personal use as well. Really this says a lot for how we view this company. CTCMath is our favorite math curriculum and I see consistent results in my children and advances in math as they use this program. Math made easy for me and for them.
Something my kids love is that they can re-watch the video as many times as they need to master the concept. It’s not just a watch the video, answer the questions and you can never change your answers.
Plus a new thing in the past few years are comprehensive exams which I love. That helps me to see if they truly mastered a concept or if they just forgot it as soon as they were done with the lesson.
Another new part of CTCMath are the worksheets that you can make and print out. In the question bank you simply choose what concept you’re working on and make up a worksheet you can print out. This is great if you’re going to be going somewhere and want something to take along. I also like to do this if there is a section they struggled with in their comprehensive exam section.
I mention this a lot, but my kids love the accent on the teacher!
Learn More
You can read about what other reviewers thought of CTCMath by going to the Main Blog Post on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. Here you will find all of the reviewers blog posts linked up for your viewing pleasure. Let them show you have CTCMath has made math easy for their homeschools. CTCMath can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
If you’d like to read some of our personal past reviews for this company you can check those out below.
On our blog we have reviews from 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2019. As I’ve said we’ve used this program for years and really love it!
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