Bible Study for Women

Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in
exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I
compensated in any other way.
Bible Study for Women
Homeschool Review Crew
Julie Naturally

Julie Naturally is the company of Julie Polanco. She’s a wealth of knowledge in the world of wholistic health and homeschooling and is now sharing Bible studies. Definitely check out her website for more information and to glean a bit of knowledge.
About the Studies
The Romans Bundle is an 8 week Bible study for women. As a bonus to go with it we also received the Philippians study which is a 4-week study on the book of Philippians.
Both studies are currently only available as digital downloads. They come with extras though! With the study, you also receive memory cards, Bible coloring pages, and some audio/visual type content.
The videos that are to go with the study are available on the member area of the Julie Naturally website. You simply login and click on the course and there they are. They are labeled by week as well so you know which to use when.
The studies are meant to take 15-20 minutes a day. You get told which verses to read and then have some thought-provoking questions to think about and answer. The studies are for older teens and moms/women to use independently. This could be homeschooling or non-homeschooling though obviously in this house they’re being used by homeschoolers!
Julie Naturally hopes to continue adding to the studies that are offered over the next few years.
Our Thoughts
Now for our thoughts! I have been using this study for myself as well as including one of my 15 year old daughters. My other daughters have been following along with us but haven’t wanted to do the notebook portions. They’ve been loving the coloring book pages though and have been learning the memory verses with us.
While this is a bible study for women I do think it is okay for teen girls as well. I’ve got two 15 year olds and one 14 year old working with me on it. Plus two 10 year olds and a 7 year old coloring along and learning the memory verses.
I can’t wait to see what else pops up soon as far as Bible studies go from Julie Naturally.
The studies are made for doing six days a week and then the various weeks per study. I like that you get a “free day” so to speak. It’s nice to have that day in case you get busy and don’t get one done or if you like to take Sunday off due to church etc.
It’s recommended to print off the study workbook type pages as well as the memory cards and color pages. I’m okay with that! I am a lover of having printed pages to hold in your hand and write on. It seems to be that you remember things better this way and it helps solidify the lesson. But you can do this without printing and just verbally answer the questions too.
Learn More
You can learn more about doing a Bible study for women by reading all of the reviews linked up by members of the Crew on the Main Blog Post over on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. Julie Naturally can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
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