Pursued to Eternity

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Pursued to Eternity
Homeschool Review Crew
John Riley
Do you read good books as part of your daily homeschool routine? Reading good books is a key part of our homeschool and I am always looking for more books to add to our shelves and school. Recently we received a copy of Pursued to Eternity by John Riley as part of a collaboration with the Homeschool Review Crew.
This book was published by Covenant Books and is geared to talk about Creation vs Evolution and bring that to light for our children in an easy-to-read and understand format. If you’re interested in taking the topic further and supplementing with an online course as well there is a course on SchoolhouseTeachers.com called Apologetics: Creation vs Evolution Class taught by John Riley who is the author of this book.
About the Book
This is a work of fiction. But at the very center of the book, it is Bible-based and uses the Bible as its foundation. It’s actually not as simple as you’d think to find books that use the Bible as their core and don’t stray from it.
Pursued to Eternity follows two brothers on their journeys to Kenya, Egypt, and Israel. These brothers, Conner and Alan, get to travel the world. They’re on missions but there is something else going on as well.
Alan is the younger of the two brothers and a staunch atheist. Connor is the older brother and a Christian, he is also a biology teacher. I find it interesting that the biology teacher of the brothers is a Christian and not an atheist.
Now for the fun parts. You get to go dinosaur hunting and venture from Moses to the present day. As we’re doing that we’re also exploring where man came from and what the actual purpose of man might be. All wrapped up in a neat and tidy fiction package.
The book is a short novel at only 151 pages long. This book is best geared towards high school and young adults but could be used as a read-aloud or family book study with younger children and older children mixed together. I don’t think I would just read this to younger children as they would not get as much from it.
Our Thoughts on Pursued to Eternity
When we first received this book to review I read it. And then I assigned my high school students to read it on their own as well. Once we had all read it we had some good discussions about the main points and why we thought the author had things go the way he did.
Because we do have a SchoolhouseTeachers.com subscription we then started to work through the course that goes with the book by the same author. This is not necessary of course to get the most from the book but I did think it was a nice expansion so that we could use this as a credit for our transcripts.
The book is only 17 chapters long and the online course that you can use with it is a 14-week course. I found that the book read quickly for me. It was easy to get lost in the book as we traveled through history. I love history and a good historical fiction book. I don’t think I would categorize this as historical fiction though, it’s just fiction to me with a Bible base.
For using this as part of my homeschool I’d love to see a study guide to go with the book. There is one chapter that poses 68 questions and I’d like to see those addressed more in-depth as well.
Learn More
You can learn more about Pursued to Eternity and what other members of the Homeschool Review Crew thought of this book by reading all of the reviews that are linked up on the Main Blog Post of the Homeschool Review Crew blog. Pursued to Eternity can be found on GoodReads.com in two separate spots for the paperback and the Kindle versions.
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