Learn Greek

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Learn Greek
Ready to Teach
It’s NOT Greek to Me!
Homeschool Review Crew
Have you ever wanted to learn Greek? It’s not the foreign language that most people think that they want to learn. But what if I told you it can be easy? You can learn Greek with Ready to Teach. Their program It’s NOT Greek to Me! will have you learning Greek with ease.
About the Program
It’s NOT Greek to Me! has 12 lessons. With the curriculum, you receive a student workbook, a teacher’s workbook, and a USB flash drive with PowerPoint instructor lessons to go with the 12 lessons.
Within these 12 lessons over 200 smaller words are used to create larger words. This is done because once you know what the smaller words mean you can put them together to make larger words etc.
This program is a Greek vocabulary program. All you need to teach and learn the program are included. The student book is consumable and you will need one for each student. However, the teacher book can be used multiple times with all of your students as you do the program with them. And of course, the USB drive is yours with the program.
The setup is super simple and easy to use. I feel that it is an open and go type book because there is not a lot of prep work to get done prior to use with children. It is easy to use and something that kids actually like to do!
I talk more about the student and teacher books below but the USB drive contains things that enhance the lessons. These are organized to go with the lessons in the textbooks. You click on the lesson that you’re working on and then use them to help with it.
Our Thoughts
I like that the teacher’s book has everything that’s needed within the 126 pages. You get the lesson plans, answer keys, and tests, flashcards, and even bulletin board ideas. It’s simple to understand. At the back of the book are the study cards for the student to use.
The USB is small and super cute. I mean, I’m probably not supposed to say that, but it is adorable with the logo on it. I love it!
Within the student book(which is a consumable per student) are 112 pages. There is a spot to write notes and you write the answers to the lessons within the book. There is plenty of space for even the biggest and non-neat writers as well. At the back are twelve colored pages for making study cards. They are numbered by lesson too so that makes it easier to use.
And last but not least is the favorite! Well, it’s the favorite in our house at least. The morpheme-based words are put into context within a mystery story. Who doesn’t want to read a mystery story? My kids love to read and mysteries are a favorite!
Parent thoughts
I can see this being a great resource for anyone who wants to learn Greek. Or use it to go with a Greek program that you are already using to help when you’re lost. There are definitely some careers that I think knowing Greek will help with too so this would be good for them.
In all honesty, I think this would be a good curriculum for all children. Some might not enjoy it as much as others and some might not want to do it, but it really does help with learning and even reading. Hear me out. I’m a nurse and a lot of these are used in anatomy and such so it would be helpful for other people to know too.
Everybody should use this program.
ACT prep comes to mind for using this program. I really think this is a great resource for high school students. It’s definitely going to be required in our homeschool! I’m just glad I found them before my oldest takes her ACT and graduates. She wants to be a vet and this will be so helpful!
Learn More
Ready to learn more about Ready to Teach and the program they have to learn Greek? It’s NOT Greek to Me! was sent to several members of the Homeschool Review Crew and you can check out the reviews on the Main Blog Post where everyone will link up.
Currently, there are no social media sites to share with you for Ready to Teach so make sure that you check out all of the reviews to learn more.
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