A Favorite Learning Toy For Toddlers

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
A Favorite Learning Toy For Toddlers
Homeschool Review Crew
For years I have loved to use the LeapFrog video series with my preschool-age children. They listen and learn their alphabet, letter sounds, and more! But now we’re excited to try out a new product. I’m sure this is going to be a favorite learning toy for toddlers in our house.
LeapFrog generously sent us a LeapStart® Learning Success Bundle™ for our kids to use. This includes the actual LeapStart pad plus two books for use with it to encourage learning, a stylus, instructions, and a cord. Before I could even take the stuff out of the box my 3 and 5-year-old children were right there. They know LeapFrog and they know it’s good!
Disclaimer. This is my 9-month-old playing with it. It’s not turned on and we did keep her from chewing on it. But it’s a great distraction for her too. Don’t worry though, her sister will teach her how to use it before too much longer!
About the Product
The LeapStart® Learning Success Bundle™ is geared towards ages 2-7. So while I say it’s the new favorite learning toy for toddlers it really goes all the way up to first graders as well.
Your child will love the touch and talk pages. Not only will they be able to use it now, but in years to come as well as it grows with them and has varying levels of learning within the pages. Add in that you can buy lots of great books to go with it and you’re setting them up for learning success.
The two books that come with the kit are preloaded onto the device. For any other books that are purchased, you have to go online and hook up the device to your computer and download the content to it. It’s actually really easy once you have a LeapFrog account.
Our Thoughts
Umm. I need to confess something. I’ve already purchased two book bundles to go with this. Yeap. Didn’t even have it a month before that happened. That speaks to how much my kids are loving this!
We have been using this with my daughter who is 3 and my son who is 5. He will be 6 at the end of May but is not a fluid reader by any means. He knows his alphabet and his numbers and most of his letter sounds. My daughter knows some of her letters and knows that her name starts with an A etc.
Kids Thoughts
Liam is most excited about the new book I bought which is Paw Patrol. After I told him I wanted to know what he thought of the original kit he said he liked the “car” book.
The car book is actually the Go! Go! Cory Carson® Cory Carson Superhero School™ book. We have never seen the show it is based on, but that doesn’t keep him from enjoying the book.
Ainne likes the Frozen book I bought but honestly she really just loves playing with this. She will grab the pad with the stylus with no book and just start touching away and listening to what it has to say.
Mom Thoughts
As a mom, I love that this doesn’t actually have a screen. It just has basically a book to be read. Even the pad or tablet itself is just a book. You can do the activities on it or with an additional book. I also like that it has two levels so my younger child can do the one-star level while my older child does the two-star level. Even within the books, there are more options as well.
Honestly, I took this out of the box, turned it on, turned around, and boom my three year old had already figured out how to use it. No help from me. That is the type of learning toy I like. She can use it without my help while I go about doing chores or when we’re on a car ride.
Best Uses
Honestly, the ultimate use for this in my opinion is in the morning. My daughter is three and she always wakes up hungry and wanting to do something. We give her a muffin or granola bar or something to eat but then she’s basically on my heels the entire time I’m trying to get out to milk or get breakfast ready. In order to keep her occupied, or let’s face it keep me from stepping on her, letting her play with this is amazing!
She knows where we keep it. She knows how to turn it on and how to work the thing better than I do!
Another great time to use this and that we’ve been utilizing it is during long car rides. We live a good distance from really anywhere and little kids really don’t enjoy riding in car seats. At least in our house, they don’t. This is a great distraction that is also educational.
Need even more ideas?
It’s great for the preschooler while you’re doing school with older siblings. Honestly, we rarely say no to using this in our house. There are a few times I will say you’ve been on it enough give your brother a turn or no we’re not going to use that now, but truly my kids spend more time outside than they do inside so that’s not a common occurrence here.
This honestly is definitely a new favorite learning toy for toddlers and preschoolers in our house!
Learn More
You can learn more about LeapFrog and their LeapStart® Learning Success Bundle™ by reading all of the reviews linked up on the main blog post on the Homeschool Review Crew blog. Multiple families now have this favorite learning toy for toddlers in their homes and want to tell you all about it.
LeapFrog can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
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